Merry X'mas to all of you out there! I will be back to Sabah this coming 15th January 2005! Want to online lagi lah.... Thanks for visiting my websites, Sumandak.Com and my personal website.
Tuesday, 14 December 2004
Saturday, 20 November 2004
My Last Day In KK, Sabah
Today is going to be my last day staying in KK, Sabah. I will be going to Sarawak tomorrow to further my studies in UiTM Samarahan. So, I won't be updating this website and portal for about 3 months.
Take care then....
Monday, 15 November 2004
Feng Shui For Square Faced Person
The Square Face belongs to the element of Earth or the planet Mars. Now this face can speak of various levels of temperaments from aggressive to assertive but people of this facial formation are always filled with passionate energy. Their birthdate and refinement of other features will tell you in which category they fall into - either violent and aggressive or dynamic and assertive.
These people cannot take life sitting down - Action is their middle name. You can depend on a person with an Earth or Mars face. He or she will have compassion and are protective of the ones he or she loves. But watch out those who crosses his path! He can be stubborn and defiant in his anger. He territory is very important but he is able to follow the leader he respects and admires. A square face with an unruly shock if hair is someone to fear and not aggravate. His or her temper is volatile and violent. Never argue with such a person as you will never win because he will never back down even if he is wrong.
Sumandak: Really? Since I do have square face (but sometimes people said I have rectangular or roundish face) so I post this feng shui for square faced person. You can get the other articles at
From: RC (IP: 218.111.52.*)Hai sumandak,i nak tanya u apa pendapat u kalau perampuan suka mengorat suami orang apa pendangan u, perampuan itu sudah pun bersuami dan ada 4 anak, adakah wajar seorang perampuan yang bersuami, masih mencari lalaki, tidak kah itu perbuatan yang tiada maruah sadangkan dia ada suami dan anak setahu saya suami dia tu lelaki yang baik juga perampuan itu juga pandai berpura2 dan dia juga mengamalkan guna2 (Bomoh), kalau saya sebut namanya tentu sumandak kenal.
I've just read the old messages from my shoutbox... Unfortunately, I haven't get married so I can't give the exact answer lah. Only some viewpoints.
To: RC
- Kalau secara prima facie, ya, perempuan itu memang bersalah dan boleh diceraikan suaminya, sebab berlaku curang. Memanglah tidak wajar untuk mencari lelaki lain padahal sudah pun berkeluarga.
- Amalan perbomohan memang lazimnya digunakan oleh kebanyakan pihak, tapi kalau masuk mahkamah ni benda tidak pakai lagi.
- Kalau sudah tahu perempuan atau si isteri berlaku curang dan si suami itu sudah sedia maklum, si suami boleh meminta cerai dengan alasan dan bukti-bukti.
- Pergi kaunseling keluarga yang terdekat.
That's all I can give in the middle of early morning... Sorry for any mistakes here...
About "Curang", go here...
Sunday, 14 November 2004
Sprained my brain
Just came back from shopping in Choon Yen Fatt Supermarket here in Inanam. The rain has just stopped and now my cat, Ngangau is meowing for meat! How are you guys are doing? Did you go for Hari Raya Open House? I will be visiting my Aunt in Kinarut tomorrow, she has invited us for Hari Raya at her home. Yeah Yeah! I can taste her tasty delicacies again! Then, on Tuesday, I have to return to Kg. Poturidong, Kiulu since one of cousin is engaging. I haven't return there for such a long time. Gezz, really miss Kiulu, after all!
I haven't mailed some mails that I've supposed to, way to busy to do them all. After the 3rd Day of Hari Raya, I have to go for medical check-up which I've supposed to do a month ago. Last minutes again! Just a few days left for me to enjoy before I leave for Sarawak.
Can you give me some opinions or advices? OK... It goes like this, what are you going to do when a person who is younger than you doesn't want to hear your advice and said she/he wants to punch you? Sounds unclear, right? OK... Frankly, I have a cousin who is younger than me (still a "will be" 11 years old) who wants to punch me (but she said she didn't chance to do so to my cousin who then, inform me in front of her) because I adviced her not to go to her cousin's house (my cousin also, the one who informed me) when their parents aren't at home. She haven't ask for apologize until now and the worst thing is she said to others that I'm rude and hope that I will be punished by God for the things that I've done to her - Gosh! I only ignored her for 3 days now, you may say I'm a little harsh to her.
You may say that she still a little child, but what if she's your own daughter? Will you let her say like that or just teach her some lessons so that she might never repeat the same mistake again? This is the 2nd time she did this to me, the first time was when she was just 9 years old, and she said that I slept with my boyfriend since I didn't come home that night - Actually, she didn't saw I did come back that night, after I had dinner with my boyfriend in Inanam.
None of my cousins here like her since she likes to think that she's pretty - Yeah, the only prettiest girl in this Kampung! Ho! Ho! Ho! I don't think she's pretty, but more to moron who never study and also a liar who has lots of stories to share every seconds. I'm giving her about one week to say sorry, after that period, I will ignore her - I don't care about her again and I won't help her about anything. No more presents for her! I will care only for my other cousins who are good to me - and most of all, unintended to punch me... Ho Ho Ho!
I think that's all for now. My mum is calling for me - Dinner's ready! Adios and take care!
"Think before you say it aloud!"
Monday, 8 November 2004
Here and There
I was surfing the net to find some examples for t-shirt design - I'm planning to make one pair of t-shirt for testing only. So, this website attract me - Then, I went to - mostly vectored graphic printed on t-shirts. I haven't made up my mind, though. I'm planning to design one soon and print it when I'm in Samarahan, Sarawak. Wakakakakaka! Trying to *seduce* some people there with the *sumandak* (devious grin). After a few minutes, I stumbled into this website ( They have 2 kinds of t-shirt; for boys & girls. Frankly, the design is quite simple but attractive.
I stopped looking for t-shirt design, but I continued looking for Photoshop brushes - has them all but some of them weren't functioning! Anyway, I love vector graphics made by Rames Studio (, they are totally awesome! I wonder how did he made all of those vectors! I've tried making few vectors before but they really look awful! 2 thumbs down for me! T_T
I think that's all until now. I need to go bed now. Hino Kono!
p/s: I hate that Omarosa (The Apprentice), complaints: lots, helping: zero! Arrogant: HIGH... Gosh! When is she going to change?
Sunday, 7 November 2004
How To Make Fake Blood?
1 cup of golden syrup
1 tablespoon of red food colouring
1 tablespoon of yellow food colouring
1 tablespoon of water
1. Mix it all together. Simple as that!
2. You can add blue or green food coloring you can make different shades of blood - vein and artery blood.
Adding more or less water will change the consistency of the final blood. How much water you add depends on the effect you are trying to achieve. You can add corn starch to get the thick plasma look blood has as it dries.
p/s: Do this at your own risk! Ko buat, ko tanggung.
Friday, 5 November 2004
Chat Room?
Are you looking for a *pure* Malaysian Chat Room on the Net? MalaysianHeart.Com has it! Not like other Chat Room on the Internet, this one gives you better - No need to install IRC software. All you have to do is Register and you can chat with some other Malaysians! Isn't that fun and simple?
OK, I think I'll stop here. I've taken half day to repair Sumandak.Com and luckily I've made it. Not a 100% sure about the repairment that I did just now but hopefully it has settled down. Hey, guys! Thanks for informing me about the problems. You Rock!
Nite and have a sweet dream! *yawn*
Wednesday, 3 November 2004
Script 4 U: Scrolling Header
I've got a script for your website. This is a scrolling header script. It's an add-on for your website. Try it now.
You have to copy and paste this into your <HEAD></HEAD>.
<!-- START Scrolling Title //-->
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
var txt="This is where your text will be. Write anything here. Put this into your <Head></head>. Simple and you'll love it!";
var espera=80;
var refresco=null;
function rotulo_title() {
// -->
<!-- End Scrolling Title //-->
Sunday, 31 October 2004
I've just returned from Ranau yesterday and I still feel exhausted. I went to Ranau with my bf's family. I was totally enjoyed... We went to Poring Hotspring, ate lots of Durians, and took some pics at Power Station. I even made a one round walk at Kinabalu Park (It only took about 45 minutes).
Anyway, I have to go now. My mum wants to book tickets to Kuching.
Sorry for not writing something here but I'm currently busy with some matters to deal with. I'm planning to settle down all matters so that I don't have to think *hard* when I'm studying in UiTM Samarahan, Sarawak later.
Haven't visit Sumandak.Com for about 3 weeks now but I'm pretty confident that those whom I've appointed as my assistants cum security guards are doing fine with their jobs. I'll visit Sumandak.Com whenever I have time to do so when I'm in Sarawak. *grin*
Have you ever watched Korean Drama entitled, "Lovers in Paris" on TV2 weekdays starting at 11:30 am? It's a cute story about two men (an uncle and his cousin) who have fallen in love with the same woman. I don't know much about the story yet and haven't take a look on the review. However, I'm planning to buy the VCD before I left for Sarawak. *counting on my budget*
Okay, Guys & Gals. Gotta go now. I still have plenty of works to be done here. Anyway, thanks for supporting Sumandak.Com! I miss you all! Take care!
P/S: Selamat Berbuka Puasa to all Muslims out there!
Monday, 11 October 2004
My new place to hang out
Billions Thanks and terima kasih to all of you who have wished me Happy Birthday. Thanks and Thanks again...
Oh, I've just found out some new places to hang out...
- Adam Fan Club (
- Mas Fan Club (
- Sogua.Com ( <-- Place for you to download songs in wma format. A great site, but you need Chinese plug-ins to view the text.
See ya! I'm outta here...
Saturday, 9 October 2004
I've found a new anime mp3s download!
This site is great and awesome!!! It has lots of mp3s for downloading and it worth visiting.
Just click to !!!
p/s: Jay Chou, Han Ki Tae, Vic Chou are my fave. Asian celebrities. They rocks... One of them looks like my ex-bf <--- as told by my classmates, Anna & Imeelda... Hahahaha... Ya, sia perasan juga tu...
Friday, 8 October 2004
I'm downloading more songs now - Yeah! So I can bring them all to UiTM, Samarahan. I'll be there for about 3 full months.
Anyway, these are the links that have lots of songs for you to download..
- (it's in chinese)
- (english)
Another way to download songs:
- Type "rotation anime/jpop/cpop mp3" (whatever you think fit) in
Tips for you to find mp3s to download:
- Join some forums that related to entertainment. They have lots of songs for you to check:
Hehehehehe... BUY THE ORIGINAL ALBUM lah...
Tuesday, 5 October 2004
Utada Hikaru's Exodus'04
Title: Exodus '04
Artist: Utada (Hikaru)
Album: Exodus
With you these streets are heaven
Now home feels so foreign
They told me I was mistaken; infatuated
And I was afraid to trust my hunches
Now I am ready
Daddy don't be mad that I'm leaving
Please let me worry about me
Mama don't you worry about me
This is my story
Through mountains high and valleys low
The ocean through the desert snow
We'll say goodbye to the friend we know
This is our exodus '04
Through traffic jams in Tokyo
New music on the radio
We'll say goodbye to the world we know
This is our exodus '04
Landscapes keep changing
His story teaches something
I know I could be mistaken but my heart has spoken
I cannot redirect my feelings
The waves have parted
Daddy don't be mad that I'm leaving
Please let me worry about me
Mama don't you worry about me
This is my story
Through mountains high and valleys low
The ocean through the desert snow
We'll say goodbye to the friend we know
This is our exodus '04
Through traffic jams in Tokyo
New music on the radio
We'll say goodbye to the world we know
This is our exodus '04
I'm listening to a music never-ending
My baby don't you know I'll never let you down
You've opened me to so many different endings
But baby I know that you'll always be around
Through mountains high and valleys low
The ocean through the desert snow
We'll say goodbye to the friend we know
This is our exodus '04
Through traffic jams in Tokyo
New music on the radio
We'll say goodbye to the world we know
This is our exodus '04
Through mountains high and valleys low
The ocean through the desert snow
We'll say goodbye to the friend we know
This is our exodus '04
Through traffic jams in Tokyo
New music on the radio
We'll say goodbye to the world we know
This is our exodus '04
Siap download mp3 EXODUS by UTADA HIKARU, her first single in English! Yeah! Yeah! Now I'm waiting for posisang's email yang bulum sampai-sampai lagi dari semalam lagi. Dui gia...
Monday, 4 October 2004
My (late) dodu (great-grandma) old Dusun Story (Tangon)
This is my (late) Odu's old story (tangon) which I've recorded earlier from RTM Dusun Radio. Her tangon was recorded somewhere in 1965. I miss her very much!
- click here to listen her tangon - (extract)
This is my UGLY voice! The song that I was trying to sing was UTADA HIKARU's First Love... Dui dogo! Bulih hujan lebat ooo...
- click here to listen my ugly voice - (extract)
Sunday, 3 October 2004
Where is God?
There were two boys that were always into trouble and any time somthing went wrong people asumed they did it. Their parents went to a preacher who was successful in straitining out kids he said ok. I'll help you send in the youngest kid tommorow and the older one the next day the young kid went in and the man asked him: Where is god? The boy didn't answer so the man said alittle louder WHERE IS GOD? The kid didn't answer so the man yelled WHERE IS GOD? The kid got really scared so he ran all the way home and locked himself in his closet. His brother heard the door slam so he said: Hey whats wrong let me in! So the younger one let him in and said: Were in big trouble now, God is missing and they think we have him.
Thursday, 30 September 2004
Tips: Halang Email Anda Dari Spammer!
Ini satu cara untuk korang mo halang email korang yang korang letak di webpage korang daripada dicuri oleh robot-robot spammers yang mo kasi banjir email ko dengan email yang inda ada guna-guna. Banyak tu... Sia pun mo paning kepala nampak tu semua. Bikin marah saja...
Bahagian 1: Masukkan ni kod dalam <HEAD> korang.
<script type="text/javascript">
function mailto(domain,user)
document.location.href = "mailto:" + user + "@" + domain;
Bahagian 2: Masukkan ni kod dalam <BODY> ko. Taruhlah di mana-mana saja, yang penting masih dalam <BODY></BODY>. Jan lupa ubah pigi kah, etc. dan daniel pigi username untuk email ko.
<a href="javascript:mailto('','daniel')">daniel 'at'</a>
Selamat Berjaya Kie!
Wednesday, 29 September 2004
I hate this when my web browser crashes again! It has been few times and all I have to is to download a new browser (again) and install it. Damn! Bikin marah butul! Now, I'm currently downloading Maxthon 1.1.035. Fuh! Nasib baik the connection speed is fast, even though it's a dial-up.
By the way, I have my web with new layout and some minor changes. Not much... Just *a pinch of salt* Cewah! The theme ahh? Black lor! LOL... The banner up there dibikin by me using Photoshop. The girl up there is me...
How to make a dotted/dashed table? Here's the code for you to get a dotted/dashed table... Just put this code style="border-style:dashed" bordercolor="white" into your desired table HTML. You can change the dashed into dotted, etc. as long as the code can be recognized by the system lah.
<td width="179" height="12" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#333333" style="border-style:dashed" bordercolor="white">
:: I've made one! ::
I've got to end now, my new browser is ready to be installed by me! Ta Ta! Meet me in Sumandak.Com then!
Tuesday, 28 September 2004
Tips & Tricks
Wanna have your own cursor on your website? But the code will only work with Internet Explorer 6.0 and above.
Steps to follow:
Upload the desired cursor into your web, your cursor must end with a .cur or .ani file extension.
Copy this code and paste it into your style type="text/css" which can be found in your HEAD. Do not paste it into your BODY:
body, a
{cursor: url(;}
Replace with the url of your cursor.
Good luck then!
Thursday, 9 September 2004
Always look on the bright side of life!
Some things in life are bad
They can really make you mad
Other things just make you swear
and curse
When you're chewing on
life's gristle
Don't grumble, give a whistle
And this'll help things turn out for the best...
...always lood on the bright side
of life...
Always look on the light side
of life...
If life seems jolly rotten
There's something you've forgotten
And that's to laugh and smile and
dance and sing
When you're feeling in the dumps
Don't be silly chumps
Just purse your lips and whistle
- that's the thing.
And...always look on the bright
side of life...
Come on.
Always look on the bright side
of life...
For life is quite absurd
And death's the final word
You must always face the curtain
with a bow
Forget about your sin - give the
audience a grin
Enjoy it - it's your last chance
So always look on the bright side
of death
Just before you draw your
terminal breath
Life's a piece of sh|t
When you look at it
Life's a laugh and death's a joke
it's true
You'll see it's all a show
Keep 'em laughing as you go
Just remember that the last laugh
is on you
And always look on the bright side
of life...
Always look on the right side
of life...
Come on guys, cheer up.
Always look on the bright side
of life...
Always look on the bright side
of life...
Worse things happen at sea you know.
Always look on the bright side
of life...
I mean - what have you got to lose?
You know, you come from nothing
- you're going back to nothing.
What have you lost? Nothing.
Always look on the right side
of life...
Monday, 6 September 2004
FYI.. All About Girl!
This is a good information for guys who don't understand about GIRL... Don't pretend to be the one who knows EVERYTHING about GIRL! hehehehehe....
01. When a girl says she's sad, but she isn't crying, it means she's crying in her heart.
02. When she ignores you after you've done something wrong, it's best to give her a tight hug no matter how she struggles away, no matter whether she's crying or not. Just a tight hug, she can't escape from.
03. Never tell the girl who you REALLY like about your "crush" on another girl just to get her jealous, it will only give her the impression that your not interested and its pissing at that.
04. A girl can't find anything to hate about the guy she loves (which is why it is so hard for her to 'get over him' after the relationship's over.) but honestly, she cant find anything to like about the guy too.(which is why she will only notice it when he's gone)
05. If a girl loves a guy, he will always be on her mind, even though she flirts with other guys.
06. When the guy she likes smiles and stares deep into her eyes, she will melt. well, actually, her face will burn.
07. If you really like a girl, dont tell her. she will know. but be sure to make the first move when u get the signal.
08. A girl likes to hear compliments, but usually is not sure how to react to them.
09. When a particular guy flirts with a girl very often, a girl would start thinking the guy likes her. So if you treat a girl just as a friend, go easy on the smiles and stare ok?
10. If you don't like a girl who likes you, break it to her gently.
11. If a girl starts avoiding you after you reject her, leave her alone for a while. If you still treat her as a friend, talk to her. you have to talk to her. or she'll hate you i bet.
12. Girls enjoy talking about what they feel. Music, poetry, drawings and writing are ways of expressing themselves (which explains why most girls like writing journals).
13. Never tell a girl that she is useless in any way.
14. Girls might sound uninterested when you ask her to be your girlfriend, it's their way of playing hard to get, she doesn't want to seem too available.So don't give up.
15. Being too serious can turn a girl off.
16. When the guy she likes calls her for the first time, the girl may act uninterested during the call. But as soon as the phone is back on the hook, she will whoop with joy and immediately start telephoning her friends to spread the news.
17. A smile means a lot to a girl.
18. If you like a girl, try making friends with her first. Let her get to know you.
19. If a girl says she can't go out with you, leave.
20. But if she still calls you or expect a call from you, stay.
21. Don't try to guess a girl's feelings. Ask her.
22. Hearing the words "I love you" is security in knowing the girl has ur heart.
23. After a girl falls in love with a guy, she'll wonder why she never noticed him before.
24. If you need tips on how to flirt with a girl,read romance stories.
25. When class pictures come out, a girl would first check who is standing next to her crush before actually looking at herself.
26. A girl's ex-crush will always be in her memory, but the guy she loves now stays in her heart.
27. Girls love having fun!
28. A simple 'Hi' can brighten a girl's day.
29. A girl's best friends usually know best what she is feeling and going through.
30. Girls hate it when a guy pays attention to them just to get close to their 'prettier' friend.
31. Most girls would wait for the guys to make the first 'move', so guys, DON'T hold back.
32. Love means devotion, caring and happiness to a girl, in that order.
33. Some girls care about looks, some care about brains, but ALL girls want a guy who will love and care for them.
34. Girls want nothing more than to feel loved
35. never ignore her. or scold her
36. Girls blame the guys when she knows other girls had a crush on him.
37. But Girls think they are right when Guys actually has a crush on herself.
Tuesday, 31 August 2004
12 Things To Think About
1. Keep a pocket dictionary in your purse or backpack and try to learn the definition and spelling of one new word every week.
2. Read the front page and your favorite section of the local newspaper every day. (as well as the comics!)
3. Join a library reading club. Discover authors that you love, and pledge to read all of their books. If in doubt where to start, ask your librarian. They will have some super ideas!
4. Read the biography of someone famous, then try writing your own.
5. Go natural and learn, through research, how to identify the leaves, flowers, and plants found at the park or in your backyard.
6. Plan and research a make-believe vacation. Choose your dream destination or favorite hot spot and determine the best way to travel there and back, where to stay and what to see.
7. Keep a journal of your favorite books and websites, and then re-visit them a few months later!
8. Play mind bender games by stocking up on word games and crossword puzzles.
9. Create a family tree. Begin by gathering stories and pictures from relatives until everything, and everyone, starts to fall into place in history.
10. Write a story with a friend. Start out with a list of fictional characters and their personality traits, then cook up a good tale.
11. Write poems about your friends, family, pets, your feelings and emotions.
12. Join an evening art class at the library or community center and seek out the true artist within!
Sunday, 22 August 2004
I will be in Kuala Lumpur from 23rd till 27th August, 2004. Why? Attending UiTM's Convocation larr...
See ya!
See ya!
Current Mood:

Friday, 13 August 2004
Hello, again
My brother has just helped me with formatting my computer. Now, I have a brand new computer environment. That's all for now...
Wednesday, 11 August 2004
Faster Than Broadband and FREE!
GBP27 = RM180++
Upgrade your existing slow ADSL/Broadband connection or if you still have snail speed dial-up and would like 2MB ADSL/Broadband without costs or monthly charges and retain your existing email address and join the revolutionary service.
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- 4 times quicker than your existing broadband.
- 40 times faster than dial-up.
- Totally FREE.
- Available via any telephone line worldwide.
- 1 minute to install and is very easy to use.
- Will SAVE you money and SPEED up your connection.
- And BETTER Still......
YOU can now get FASTER than broadband for FREE with this revolutionary service......
If you have dial-up.......
You can get FASTER than broadband speeds for FREE without changing your ISP or email address and not having to pay call charges ever again.
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Service compatible with any PC or Mac with 9,600kbps modem upwards
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This service is brand new and taking the world's Internet by storm and will change it forever. If you have Internet now and you think it is good just wait until you try this, it'll blow your mind.
Click Here To Register for FREE!
Finalis AF2 Janda?
Finalis AF2 janda?
Sumber: Harian Metro
TIAP-TIAP hari, ada saja cerita berkenaan Akademi Fantasia 2 (AF2) yang SS dengar. Apatah lagi, selepas seorang pelajar yang tersingkir dimasukkan semula ke AF2 kerana mendapat undian tertinggi daripada penonton.
Belum lagi reda isu ini, tiba-tiba SS dikejutkan dengan satu panggilan dari seorang wanita menggelarkan dirinya ‘kakak’.
Dia bukannya hendak bercerita mengenai rasa tidak puas hatinya terhadap program realiti TV itu, tetapi meminta akhbar ini membongkar rahsia salah seorang finalis yang dikatakan pernah berkahwin tetapi putus di tengah jalan.
Yang pasti, bukan Mas kerana ramai dah tahu dia janda beranak dua. Habis tu siapa ek?, yang pasti memang SS tak bolehlah beritahu maklumlah tersasul ‘statement’ karang, SS yang kena balik.
Tidak pastilah pula, berita ini disebarkan kerana apa?. Mungkin kerana sabotaj kot, atau bekas pasangan pelajar itu pun hendak tumpang glamor. Eh! tak tahulah SS, dengar-dengar cerita bekas pasangan peserta itu hendak buat pengumuman bahawa dia pernah berkahwin dengan finalis itu tadi.
Tambah kakak itu lagi, pelajar ini juga pernah berbual mengenai anaknya menerusi telefon tapi mengakui itu adalah anak saudaranya. Eh! pengakuan ni macam SS pernah dengar dari mulut seorang artis tempatan yang mengaku anaknya adalah anak saudaranya.
Pelajar AF2 yang dimaksudkan itu nak ikut cara artis tu juga ke?, tak mengaku ada anak?.
Sumandak: Bulih picayakah ni sorita ni???
Thursday, 5 August 2004
Getting Ready for Sumandak.Com Part 1 Gathering
I'm getting ready for Sumandak.Com Part 1 Gathering...
It will be held online, using Yahoo Messenger. I don't know how far this will be a success. Well, try try dulu before having a grand Sumandak.Com gathernig.
I'm outta here... See ya bisuk kie!
Davelynne @ Sumandak
Malay Songs in English Version
I've found these crazy things from
Burung kakak tua (English version)
bow wrong car card two are
hang up they gent they law
none next saw dare two are
g-g near think all do are
Buai laju laju (English version)
bow i large u large u
some pie pork cock sir near
upper dull arm barge u
sir cone tomb boo near chin near
saw wrong par pan tar right par pan
boo arghh crank-g dull arm pear raw hoo
sorrow mark cant deer mark cant
sorrow me 'nga' ghee deer talc tar woo
Burung kakak tua (English version)
bow wrong car card two are
hang up they gent they law
none next saw dare two are
g-g near think all do are
Buai laju laju (English version)
bow i large u large u
some pie pork cock sir near
upper dull arm barge u
sir cone tomb boo near chin near
saw wrong par pan tar right par pan
boo arghh crank-g dull arm pear raw hoo
sorrow mark cant deer mark cant
sorrow me 'nga' ghee deer talc tar woo
Thanks, Mellsilver!
I've found out there's something wrong with my previous journal. Thanks to Mell, who informed about the *bla-bla*. Mell, you've saved my world of rants and *agogo*!
And, I've just set up some news on Sumandak.Com with about 10 more articles. So, I think I won't be ONLINE for days. Don't worry, I'll check up all the emails, anway.
Just now, I was chatting with mrbadak and smd. Yeah, looks like someone by the name "Anak Jati Sabah" wants Sabah Rhinos to be changed into Sabah Horses. Sounds awful to me. Even though the name has been changed, kalau kalah, sama juga. Remains unchanged! Ahaks... The funniest thing is, "when mrbadak has to change his name into mrkuda.." Yuck! It's aweful! Disasterrific!
Sumandak: Umm... Guys. I've just found out that I haven't eat for the whole day. I'm going to find some food in the icebox... See ya!
Current Mood:

Current Music: BoA - Jewel Song
Wednesday, 4 August 2004
Aku Tetap Akan Menyintainya
Lirik Lagu,
Aku Tetap Akan Menyintainya
Oleh: Sumandak @ Davelynne Rampas
Inilah cintaku
Satu cinta antara aku dan dia
Hanya dia yang telah memaut hatiku hingga kini
Dia yang kucinta, Dia yang kusayang.
Kenangan pahit dan manis bersamanya
Aku takkan melupakannya
Aku tetap akan menyintainya sehingga akhir hayatku
Dia yang kucinta, Dia yang kusayang.
Aku Akan Tetap Menyintainya
Walaupun kau tiada lagi di sisiku
Walaupun kau pergi tanpa berita
Kerana tiada siapa yang dapat menggantinya.
Inilah kisahku
Satu kisah antara aku dan dia
Hanya dia yang telah memaut hatiku hingga kini
Hanya Dia...
Aku Tetap Akan Menyintainya
Oleh: Sumandak @ Davelynne Rampas
Inilah cintaku
Satu cinta antara aku dan dia
Hanya dia yang telah memaut hatiku hingga kini
Dia yang kucinta, Dia yang kusayang.
Kenangan pahit dan manis bersamanya
Aku takkan melupakannya
Aku tetap akan menyintainya sehingga akhir hayatku
Dia yang kucinta, Dia yang kusayang.
Aku Akan Tetap Menyintainya
Walaupun kau tiada lagi di sisiku
Walaupun kau pergi tanpa berita
Kerana tiada siapa yang dapat menggantinya.
Inilah kisahku
Satu kisah antara aku dan dia
Hanya dia yang telah memaut hatiku hingga kini
Hanya Dia...
Aku Tetap Akan Menyintainya
Current Mood:

Current Music: Sawoku, Tambalutku
Soalan Mencari Personaliti Anda!
Ini satu aplikasi yang sia dapat dari satu kawan, jan bimbang... Teda VIRUS bah. Kalau korang mau tau personaliti anda, download sini.
Sumandak: Sia sudah download bah. Mimang best. Lepas korang main, kasi pass sama urang lain.
Current Mood:

Current Music: Panti Asuhan - Linda (AF2)
Tuesday, 3 August 2004
This is going to be my new place for blogging!
Current Mood: amused
Current Music: An Jin (Jay Chou)
Current Mood: amused
Current Music: An Jin (Jay Chou)
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