Saturday 14 March 2009

A Myopic March

I don’t know but I figure out that my March has been myopic lately… I’m refering to ‘unadventurous’ life, in other words, monotonous, soporific, and featureless… I’m getting bored of being a student lately and doing some jobs lately… I have to learn to be a multitasker and ensure that my organizer is FULL with things that need to be done. I’ve done the logos for a local film production and also for a new local artiste. The only thing is there’s no news or updates from the local artiste (I’m in the midst of confusion) but the logo is saved *safely* inside my Mac HD. So, I proceed with my next tasks and assignments which are on queue right now.
My life has been frenetic lately that I almost feel like I’m losing my own usual beats. How I wish to see my own beatific smile again… The smile of satisfaction… The feeling of satisfaction after having a munch of KFC drumstick. Opppsss! I don’t eat manuk anymore pula for nearly 6 months sudah – an Ovo-Vegetarianism, for sure, and this is my 2nd time being a Vegan. Last time sia Lacto-Vegetarianism! Anyway, I’m not on diet but it’s a matter of fact that I’m allergic of meat products. Itu allergist (doctor pasal allergic) yang dia sendiri bilang she’s a skin doctor also kasi advice yang I should slowly refrain myself from consuming red and white meat due to the reason yang sia punya badan capat panas and cepat ada rashes whenever sia makan meat! So, I didn’t eat and semua-semua yang berdarah… It was a HELL! I gotta learn not to touch or even munch those tempting aroma – KFC, McD, BK, Lemon Chicken, Curry Sapi, Ayam Masak Kicap, etc. Pek! I’m now speaking, writing, talking, telling, informing, etc. about me being a Ovo-Vegetarianism since some of you yang bilang sia kurus sebab I’m on diet. Terima kasih atas pujian yang I have a curvaceous body but the fact is that I realized yang punggung sia saja yang lebar tapi I’m making myself like a rudai (chameleon). How I wish I can lief munch down all those meats. Nga kuroyon poh di, for the sake of my own health kaka. Macam urang tua pula sia rasa kalau bilang ini itu inda bulih makan. Mimang sungguh kasian kalau korang bawa sia pigi makan sebab tempat yang sia bulih makan pun di tempat yang ada sada’ om tontolu noh… Manuk mimang totally out! Anyway, I’m getting used with this thing and was pity sama Uncle Julius & Auntie Josephine last time when they had to follow masuk kadai vegetarian in Bukit Bintang last time sampai Uncle bilang, “Macam lemas badan sia tidak dapat makan daging.” Kasian juga kan sebab I should consider juga urang lain kan (sia dapat faham juga apa macam rasa lemas tu bila tiada daging), so we went to eat at a nearby Thai’s foodstall. Nasiblah ada ikan dia~ Padulilah padas… Macam inda biasa makan padas when I was in UiTM Samarahan dulu… Punyalah gila nasi lemak dia padas gila sampai geng siorang yang inda biasa padas mula-mula turus inda jadi pigi kelas sebab nasi lemak terlampau padas! Gosh! Nasib baik juga itu toilet inda ada full sebab mostly yang sibuk dan sesak kan from 5:30am – 7:30am itu tandas. Siap babaris lagi siorang mo tunggu giliran masuk mau mandi! Nah! Melalut sudah sia pigi ingat cerita dulu-dulu….
OK… Balik kepada cerita sia pasal bulan March… Ini bulan saja ramai sia jumpa kawan-kawan yang selama ini sia sengaja mo bertapuk dari Internet and, of course, some kawan lama also. Baru tadi I had a dinner at Fish & Co. with my former coursemate since college lagi. Banyak cerita dia sampai mo tutup tu Fish & Co. We were rekindling the old days and then cerita-cerita kawan-kawan sekarang and how do they look like… Kalau korang tanya perempuan atau lelaki sia jumpa? It’s a guy! A good guy who understands me very well… Itu belum lagi yang geng satu kepala sia yang perempuan… I was thinking of hanging out with her tapi dia bilang she’s very busy with the audit thingy. Ini laini gaji kalau semua kawan-kawan yang kerja di Audit firm. Always have on and off peaks sampai ada yang cakap I have so much times to relax lagi tu… Girls, I need to hangout with you all… How come only guys saja yang sia keluar wor… I can’t even go shopping like the last time we did when we were in Kuching. Dari pagi keluar sampai malam baru balik naik taxi! Shopping from Sarawak Plaza sampai Main Bazaar lagi tu. Lepas tu at the end of the every semester, itu luggage semua overloaded! Emmm… Inda payah korang mention sepa yang selalu overloaded sebab dalam tu 1 beg kicil panuh buku saja! Nah! Butul-butul melalut sudah sia ni pigi cerita lama!
Anyway, I think I need to snatch my own 40 winks lah ni as I still need to wake up as early as 5:30am and get my breakfast at McD before meeting some people and, of course, I wish I have the chance to snap some photos early in the morning. Just to have some morning view on the busy life in KK early in the morning. I’m expecting some traffic jams ini but I’m hoping yang banyak parking di Segama ni. Mau ambil parcels di Pos Laju lagi ni. Lepas itu, balik rumah and buat revision and baca journals lagi… Sebelah malamnya sia ada mau pigi kelas… After that, kalau sempat… Mau jumpa kawan di KDCA… If you’re asking me whether or not I’m going to Ranau for Juara Lagu Dusun (JLD) tomorrow, my answer would be NO as I have to attend church in the morning and then have a meeting with some youths who are going for the Bible Camp (as I’ve just got the programme)… Later on, sia kena jumpa orang lain (kalau dia jadi) and then… balik rumah lagi buat kerja design and kasi siap assignment sia. Sunday morning pula I’m going out with a friend to play with our gadgets!
PUNYALAH PANJANG SIA MENAIP BENDA-BENDA YANG DERISORY! *inda pa… sia kasi taruh gambar-gambar supaya korang inda keboringan – Sia tau ada yang berdarah idung sudah tu…*
SUMANDAK BILANG: Girls… Nanti we organize another meeting kio… Of course, mau tunggu si Mellon inda busy juga sebab she’s the only one yang butul-butul busy outstation… Kita kasi jalan our outing ini kali, tu si Nanie sana Kunak tu kita import bawa turun KK… Hahahahah~

Friday 13 March 2009

Photo of The Day: Blue Teddy Bear


This time around… I’m featuring my Blue Teddy Bear… The most recherché teddy bear I ever had in my life. Actually, mum bought this for me. Cute kan? She knows that I’m into offbeat things. Wacko? You can call me that… Huahuahua! FYI, took this pic just a few hours ago. Ubat untuk my heebie-jebbies adalah hanging out with my ND300. Love, baby… Love… Muahahaha! Anyway, for those who are going to have a ball during Valentine’s Day… Well… My advice is – Jangan bagi bunga (itu maksudnya your love will falter very soon), bagilah Blue Teddy Bear or something yang can last forever… Eish! Mengajar sudah sia ni ajaran sasat. Just don’t follow my halfwittedness or you might end up in a ‘cataclysm’. Check out for more of these photos here. If you’re lazy enough, click on my flickr on the right side… Tuuuuu nah tu… Kikikiki!

Thursday 12 March 2009

Photo of the Day: Kathlynn Crystal

Photo of the day featuring my kajen jajal, Kathlynn Crystal Childs… Baru mo masuk 5 tahun ni tapi gila sudah mo bergaya dapan kamera. She also knows where to pisit itu kamera moti.  Ya, kajen… Dan bukan anak sia. WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAAHHAHHAAHAHAHAH! Marah nanti mummy dia kalau urang bilang dia tu anak sia. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Kepada sesiapa yang bilang sia pernah kawin tu, sia gelak lu sampai tersedu-sedu kio… WAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Where did you guys dingar cerita gitu? Punyalah lawak… Kalau sia sudah kahwin, tu datuk sia yang Ketua Kampung tu sudah jadi saksi setia. That’s the most hilarious thing I ever heard. Tidak apa… Aku maafkan yang mendengar, tapi yang buat cerita tu bah… Mesti ko attend wedding reception sia dalam mimpi ni kan? WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH! Sabarlah, geng… Aku kasi tunjuk juga INVITATION CARD untuk ko kalau sia kawin… Dungot worry punya… XD

Tuesday 3 March 2009

Bewitched in Tokyo

okusamawamajoDue to inability and difficulty to ‘wash-spin-wash-spin-dry’ my telencephalon, I finally come to a decision to watch DVD… Bewitched in Tokyo. I know some of you (the J-Dorama freaks) out there already watched this lah… I’m a bit left behind… Anyway, I’m going to have myself a merry and laughable hours tonight. Buang dulu tu kerja and assignments. Me? Kerja? Ya… Me kerja now… I’m working now… Di mana? You have to search lor… Ask people around, if you dare or probably if you are busybody enough. Jan lupa bagitau sama urang lain yang sia kasi post dalam internet ada urang sakit lagi ahh… You think I don’t know kah~ Put or appoint many snoopers… That doesn’t really make me spine-tingling… Huhuhuhuhu~ XD
SUMANDAK BILANG: Urang lain tanya sia direct mah~ Ini main guna snoopers or even bida, disguise as someone else and then minta add dalam FB or FS… What’s the big deal? Macam aku indatau style lapukmu… Eh! Can make a song ody~ “Kau tetap dengan stail lapukmu… Mengintip segala gerak-geriku… Seolah-olah aku pencabarmu…” Cewah!

Monday 2 March 2009

The Story of KENTE 1st Heat

First and foremost… I am pleased to announce the most prominent and promised KaDus guys of the year…
Ya! Introducing… Mr Pirut@Japrin Thomas & DJ Mark (Tu DJ Kadazan tu saaana…) or known as Mark*tut* (Kasi censored). Isai monuhu minta gambar… Muahahaha! Mahal tu soromin mato korang…
1 2 3… FIRE!!!!! Muahahaha! Inilah kejadian kalau sudah angkat GUN diorang… Pirut, apa gia si DJ Othoe bilang tu? “Apa ko katawa-katawa di sana?” Hahahahah! Ada Canon, Sony, Nikon…
His expression is a marvelous vista!
The rest of the story ah… You have to wait for the article to be published on the newspaper… I mean NEW SABAH TIMES… I’m tired for the time being after dealing with *CHALLENGE*! dan kureng ambil gambar sebab PANAT for the whole week!  Itulah kerja si Pen-Tas sama si Mr Bangai Muka Bola Ragbi… Suruh sia jadi MC… Muka dan senyuman penuh makna korang senyum-senyum dari bawah sana… Sia di atas sana sudah bilang, “Kurengs… Kurengs…” Inda pa… Yang penting… “HAIIIIIIII!!!!!!” (Where did I get that? Gosh! Sepatutnya inda berlaku tu di atas pentas!)
p.s. Lain kali kasi sedia tu AIR MINERAL untuk sia ahh sebab sia inda terima tu minuman UNDERNEATH POKOK PALMA dan yang sewaktu dengannya… Wakakakakaka! Sia habis 3 botol air mineral saja tu malam selepas datang tu 2 kotak air mineral… It was damn so hot! Crowded juga lah… Looking forward for KENTE tapi bukan itu MC yang blood-curdling! Sepa yang pandai-pandai mo booking sia jadi MC dia, mimang mencari nahas laitu sebab sia bakal tanya soalan bonus yang bulih kasi nangis ni kali… *yakah?* Sungguh kasian bagi peserta yang kena kasi under sia yang jadi MC… Muahahahah! Since when sia jadi MC? Ada bah pernah dulu di high school, siap kena trained lagi tapi yang syoknya with my best friend, Surianee… Anyway, kepada para tukang ambil gambar di bawah PEN-TAS (pronounced as Pain-Tash) tu, cuba gia kasi tinguk sia tu gambar-gambar… Sia mo tau juga apa macam tu rupa sia di atas… Wahahahahaha! Manatau bida… Muahahahah! HAIIIII!!!!!
Aku sungguh puas hati sama hasilnya… Cuma itu perempuan yang kena kasi jadi vector tu yang sia inda puas hati… I took about a day untuk kasi vector tu perempuan and mic… Terlampau busy dengan kerja rumah lagi kan… Terpaksa kasi bahagi2 gia tu masa… Photo taken by gogds. I was too nervous at the backstage sebab terpaksa mo atur dalam utak apa mo cakap as an emcee. Kalau diikutkan hati, sia mo paluk si Lissa sebab badan dia panas saja… Tangan sia sajuk sudah butul… Anyway, there’s always some rooms to improve bah… Bukan A ROOM tapi SOME ROOMS… Muahahahah!

They are out there!

Received this email from an aunt who loves to send emails which I can say she’s going to be the next spammer. Muahahahah~ Kidding! Apa inda, satu hari kalau inda sia check email sia, bulih sampai 10 emails… Wow! Lemme see… If I don’t check my mailbox for maybe about 10 days… 100 emails! Muahahahah!

I would like to share a traumatic experience which my relative went through yesterday. She was waiting for her friend near St. Francis Secondary school , Kota Kinabalu around noontime. Suddenly a car (kancil) stop next to her. One guy came out from the back seat started to force her into the car while the driver wait inside car. The guy managed to force her into the car and speeded off. Inside the car, she experience hell. The guy try to rape her. Fortunately, she was able to kick the guy in the chest which gave her room to escape. She jump out from the moving vehicle. Thank God she suffer only bruised in the head and some part of the body. She hide herself in the nearby jungle as the guy was still looking for her. This is really terrifying. After those guy left, she called her friend which later inform her brother. They went to lodge a report at the nearby police station. She now suffer physically and mentally from such traumatic encounter. Please tell your love especially women to be very careful. This attempt is very much similar to what happen to the unfortunate UMS student.
Well… All I can say is… Don’t trust people out there… Apa kena mengena ah? Anyway, last Friday kan my cousin kena kejar kereta kancil merah with 4 guys inside, diorang kasi pasang highlight supaya inda nampak plate number diorang… Jalan kampung lagi tu… Nasiblah diorang ada about 4 people in the van (3 perempuan, 1 lalaki)! Guys, my cousin’s driving a VAN at full speed!!! And… The one more thing is… I was driving home nearly 11pm tu that night from group discussion – Patutlah I heard something yang bising-bising bila diorang sampai rumah… Our home inda jauh juga bah, can cubuk-cubuk from my bilik juga. Gila mampus lah this cousin driving laju-laju… Muahahahah! Bulih tahan wor… Van bakal jadi the next F1 di kampung. Nanti sia mo balajar dari dia ni. Be careful, girls… You know these guys are out there hunting for ‘holes’… I would say, better learn martial arts or how to hold a weapon! I mean… BAKAKUK or SNIPPER or maybe RAMBO KNIFE…

An Act from a Desperado

boyXXXX81 (3:54PM): jadi la awek ku

SUMANDAK BILANG: I’m tired with this kind of YM… Buzz Buzz turus itu keluar message dia. Last time panggil darling, sayang, etc. Hoh~ This time I’m going to BLOCK you from my YM! Minta maaf, bukan sebab sia sumbung tapi YM BUKAN TEMPAT UNTUK THIS KIND OF ANNOYING MESSAGES! Sekian, dan terima kasih. Harap hormat… Hohohohoho!

Sunday 1 March 2009

Cerita Tapak Tangan si Mahapson

Bentuk Tangan si Mahapson
Mahapson memiliki telapak tangan berbentuk segi panjang dengan jari-jari tangan pendek, kebiasaannya cepat berasa gelisah apabila duduk dalam suatu jangka masa yang lama. Dia sangat menyukai perkara-perkara berbaur tentangan, sehingga tenaga lelakinya akan disalurkan. Meskipun begitu, si Mahapson ini sebenarnya berkeperibadian tingi dan seorang yang mudah bergaul. Tidak hairanlah, kerana dia mempunyai ramai teman yang begitu mengambil berat terhadapnya. Sekiranya kamu tidak bersikap bossy terhadapnya, dia pasti akan ‘menenggelamkan’ dirinya dalam hubungan yang penuh keterujaan bersama kamu.
Garis Kehidupan -Ko punya garis kehidupan panjang maka panjang la umur ko ni, Mailson.
Garis Kecerdasan – Terbingkuk di tengah jalan dekat tu tahi lalat. Tinggi sikulah juga ko ni sia nampak… Tapi, ada halangan… Tahi lalat di tapak tangan ko menggambarkan ko punya cita-cita mo teruskan sikulah terbantut sebab ko baik hati dan tinggi budi pekerti. Maybe ko bagi chance sama urang lain dalam family ko. Jan marah… Sia copy and paste saja ni… Hahahaah~ Bukan butul juga ni.
Garis Cinta – Ko pernah beberapa kali (inda banyak) putus sinta tapi last-last ko temui juga sinta hati ko… Cewah!
Garis Kejayaan -Bulih tahan ko ni, tompinai… 1 garis kejayaan means kejayaan untuk 1 kerjaya saja (turus sia pun tinguk tapak tangan sia… 1 juga… dei)
Garis Kesihatan – Tiadak berapa memberangsangkan…
Garis Perkahwinan – Tiada kahwin lagi lepas ni… 1 kali saja kahwin… Hohohoho!
Garis Bilangan Anak – Inda barapa clear sia nampak… Kijap… Kira lu… 1… 2… 3… eh… 2 anak… (turus sia tinguk tapak tangan sia… ADUINAH! 4 anak!)
Garis Perjalanan – Ko inda mudah bosan pada satu tempat… Ko enjoy dan inda mudah cepat bosan dan mo pindah randah…
p.s. mana sinsin ko ni? Wahahahahahah! sinsin kanan pula bah kan… muahahaha!

My Heart Will Only Be With You…

Hullo there… I’ve been receiving lots of SMS just now… Yalah… I know MU vs.tontonham Tottenham at this moment (It’s 11:19PM here in Malaysia… Cewah!)… Even my brother has been singing MU’s anthem since a few hours ago. Sakit hati wor…
SMS #1: “Manchester United! Manchester United! Habislah Tottenham kalah ni kali!”
SMS #2: “Glory! Glory! Man United! Glory! Glory! Man United!….*bla bla*” (Potong turus sebab malas mo tinguk)
SMS #3: “We’re up there! You’re kissing our ass! Yeah! M.U.!”
SMS #4: “Apa sudah jadi sama your Liverpool? Macam ayam saja!”
SMS #5: “Malam ini pura-pura sukung MU. Sia ni Arsenal bah…”
SMS #6: “It’s payback time! Last time you ‘insult’ my MU and this time I ‘insult’ your Liverpool. Keteh!”
SMS #7: “Tukarlah pigi MU.. Your Fernando Torres sucks! Christiano Ronaldo… Christiano Ronaldo… Christian Ronaldo… Christiano Ronaldo… Christiano Rooonaldoooooo… (I guess he’s singing kali)”
Enough lah… So, this time sia kasitau tarang-tarang sekali lagi… To pledge my troth to my one and only love… (I’ve been with him for almost 11 years wor… *bragging butul!*)

When you walk through a storm
hold your head up high
And don’t be afraid of the dark.
At the end of a storm is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark.
Walk on through the wind,
Walk on through the rain,
Tho’ your dreams be tossed and blown.
Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart
And you’ll never walk alone,
You’ll never, ever walk alone.
Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart
And you’ll never walk alone,
You’ll never, ever walk alone.


Friday 27 February 2009

If Tomorrow Never Comes…

If I knew it would be the last time that I’d see you fall asleep,
I would tuck you in more tightly and pray the Lord, your soul to keep.
If I knew it would be the last time that I see you walk out the door,
I would give you a hug and kiss and call you back for one more.
If I knew it would be the last time I’d hear your voice lifted up in praise,
I would video tape each action and word, so I could play them back day after day.
If I knew it would be the last time, I could spare an extra minute or two
to stop and say “I love you,” instead of assuming you would KNOW I do.
If I knew it would be the last time I would be there to share your day,
Well I’m sure you’ll have so many more, so I can let just this one slip away.
For surely there’s always tomorrow to make up for an oversight,
and we always get a second chance to make everything right.
There will always be another day to say our “I love you’s”,
And certainly there’s another chance to say our “Anything I can do’s?”
But just in case I might be wrong, and today is all I get,
I’d like to say how much I love you and I hope we never forget,
Tomorrow is not promised to anyone, young or old alike,
And today may be the last chance you get to hold your loved one tight..
So if you’re waiting for tomorrow, why not do it today?
For if tomorrow never comes, you’ll surely regret the day,
That you didn’t take that extra time for a smile, a hug, or a kiss
and you were too busy to grant someone, what turned out to be their one last wish.
So hold your loved ones close today, whisper in their ear,
Tell them how much you love them and that you’ll always hold them dear,
Take time to say “I’m sorry,” “please forgive me,” “thank you” or “it’s okay”.
And if tomorrow never comes, you’ll have no regrets about today?

Thursday 26 February 2009

Selamanya Cinta

D’Cinnamons – Selamanya Cinta (OST Cintapuccino)
Di kala hati resah
S’ribu ragu datang memaksaku
Rindu s’makin menyerang
Kalaulah ku dapat membaca pikiranmu
Dengan sayap pengharapan ku ingin terbang jauh
(+) Biar awan pun gelisah
Daun-daun jatuh berguguran
Namun cintamu kasih terbit laksana bintang
Yang bersinar cerah menerangi jiwaku…
Reff I:
Andaikan ku dapat mengungkapkan
Perasaanku hingga membuat kau percaya
Akan kuberikan seutuhnya
Rasa cintaku (*)
Selamanya… selamanya…
Kembali ke: (+)
Reff II:
Andaikan ku dapat mengungkapkan
Perasaanku hingga membuat kau percaya
Akan kuberikan seutuhnya
Rasa cintaku
Rasa cinta yang tulus dari dasar
Lubuk hatiku … wo wooo
Tuhan, jalinkanlah cinta
Bersama, s’lamanya…
Kembali ke: Reff I, sampai (*) — ke Coda
cintapuccino_posterSUMANDAK BILANG: Watched Cintapuccino last night… Gila kan? Baru ini hari untuk minggu ini sia tinguk TV! Apa yang menarik kan, the story is about a girl who has to make decision between 2 choices – her present or her past… Something like obsession over a person lah kunun itu cerita. Bikin gerigitan jugalah since the girl (Rahmi) didn’t know how to make decision (mummy sia bilang she’s mata bola keranjang *rolling stone*, which I’m quite disagree punya). If I were in such situation pun kan, for sure I will be like Rahmi de. Why? Sebabnya dalam membuat keputusan, of course lah I don’t want to make mistake or maybe repeat the same mistake bah. Mesti mau ada tu forgone punya (Cewah! Ayat economics sudah keluar!). Let’s say lah I had a crush with a guy but ended up with “inability to express my feeling towards him (maybe he has lots lots lots many many many admirers)”. Tuuuukoi! And then we met again after 10 years berpisah dan tidak pernah jumpa-jumpa lagi. Katakanlah I’m getting married with other guy sudah then tiba-tiba ni guy from my past datang sebab dia memang mencari sia (kan bagus kalau ada lelaki gitu bagus!)… And then datanglah tu dilemma dalam memilih… My keputusan? Entah… Sia belum tau pa macam mo buat keputusan sebab belum pernah in such situation… Muahahha~ Wah! Sanggup ko baca wor kan? Kenapa? Ko mau tau apa keputusan sia kunun kah? Well… You have to wait lah bila sia dapat masalah begitu. Cewah! Yalah bah, sinang cakap tapi susah bah tu mo buat. Cakap bilang sia silap… Life always offers us with limited choices bah… Macam si kawan bilang sama sia baru-baru ni, “Gunakan hati untuk menilai dan otak untuk berfikir”. OK, balik sama tu cerita Cintapuccino… Apa yang buat sia really tertarik kan sama tu guy yang nama dia Nimo (Bukan Nemo as in Finding Nemo)…  Nama glamour dia kunun Miller tapi sekali check kan, nama dia butul-butul is Mohammad Suhaemi bin Ali Dad Khan. He looks like Hengky Kurniawan!!!! Tapi yang buat sia rasa lucu butul, the guy is actually a Malaysian who is NOT LAKU di sini! Di sana Indonesia baru dia laku ni! Aiyah! How come wor…

Gee Baby

SNSD has their new song out now! Pardon me for my enthusiasm in Korean, Japanese, and Taiwanese music. I didn’t mean to disparage my own country’s or my own culture’s music. The thing is other countries know how to promote their PEOPLE. I mean PRETTY PEOPLE WITH BODY SHAPE even though they may look like SKINNY or in a more ‘dispraising’ term – RUDAI… Sorrylah if I’m getting more two-fisted these days… Pek! I don’t want to be deracinated from my hometown ah… I still love my hometown but sometimes I do agree that our own people have lots to improve… Macam tu Dr. Syed Wafa bilang, “The problem with our people is they always ask their friends to accompany them to the toilet.” I do agree with his statement, anyway. Heheheheh~ Blame him lah if you feel like going deranged. Kikikikikikiki~

Saturday 21 February 2009

Friday 20 February 2009


My life is currently abuzzing with assignments and KENTE. Ini baru before kerja… What if sia sudah dapat kerja? Maybe get myself wired pun cannot sudah. Sorry for those who have been sending me message through SMS, YM, and FB, and FS… Sorry for my ignorantia. My life has been rushed off one’s feet lately. Will update in a few days… Tinguk keadaan… Withing this week lah… Hopefully! Tata! I’m off to bed now… How lovely to have 18 hours of sleep in a day!
Mōnandæg**! Here I come!
**It means Monday… Well.. It’s an Old old old old English punya bah tu… Day of the moon!!! Muahahaha! Hard to believe? Probe lah bah… Hehehehhe~


Backstabber – Kesha
Backstabber (repeat 3x)
Bored, stoned, sitting in your basement
All alone, cause your little conversations
Got around, now look at what we all found out
(look at what we, look at what we all found out)
You have got a set of loose lips, twisting stories
All because you’re jealous
Now I know exactly what you’re all about
And this is what you’re all about
Girl, your such a backstabber,
Oh girl, you’re such a shit talker
And everybody knows it (everybody knows it)
Girl, your such a backstabber
Run your mouth more than everyone I’ve ever known
And everybody knows it (everybody knows it)
I’m sick and tired of hearing all about my life
From other b-tches with all of your lies
Wrapped up so tight
So maybe you should shut your mouth
(Shut your mouth, shut you f–king mouth)
Honestly, I think its kinda funny that
You waste your breath talking about me
Got me feeling kinda special
Girl, your such a backstabber,
Oh girl, you’re such a shit talker
And everybody knows it (everybody knows it)
Girl, your such a backstabber
Run your mouth more than anyone I’ve ever known
And everybody knows it (everybody knows it)
Katie’s just there repping my style,
D-mn, Jeanie why you gotta tell the secrets about my s-x life?
All I ever did was drive your broke -ss around,
Pick you up, take you out, when your car broke down
Backstabber (3x)
Girl, your such a backstabber,
Oh girl, you’re such a shit talker
And everybody knows it (everybody knows it)
Girl, your such a backstabber
Run your mouth more than everyone I’ve ever known
And everybody knows it (everybody knows it)

p.s. She sure has been in such situation before… Painful! It’s more painful than betrayal!

Thursday 19 February 2009

I Could Fall In Love

I Could Fall In Love – Selena
I could lose my heart tonight
If you don’t turn and walk away
‘Cause the way I feel I might
Lose control and let you stay
‘Cause I could take in my arms
And never let go
I could fall in love with you
I could fall in love with you
I can only wonder how
Touching you would make me feel
But if I take that chance right now
Tomorrow will you want me still
So I should keep this to myself
And never let you know
I could fall in love with you
I could fall in love with you
And I know it’s not right
And I guess I should try to do what I should do
But I could fall in love, fall in love with you
I could fall in love with you
Siempre estoy sonando en ti
Besando mis labios, acariciando mi piel
Abrazandome con ansias locas
Imaginando que me amas
Como yo podia amar a ti.
So I should keep this to myself
And never let you know
I could fall in love with you
I could fall in love with you
I could fall in love, I could fall in love
With you…

p.s. I’ve always been in love with Selena‘s voice and song especially after watching a movie about Selena (starring J.Lo) and how she gained her fame at the very young age (23 wor). Very sayang wor… She was murdered by her own fan club’s president. Jeles punya pasal laitu… Susah juga eh kalau jealously, envious, etc menguasai diri sendiri sebab bila sudah sampai tahap yang ‘sampai-termometer-pun-malatup’, mimang anything can cross dalam otak… Scary! I don’t know what would I do if sia terjumpa urang gitu… Maybe I need to buy a pair of NIKE shoes supaya I can run as fast as the winds blow… SPEEEEWWWWWWWSSSS~ *snigger*

Monday 16 February 2009

25 Random Things

Si Ann laini punya pasal. She tagged me di sana Facebook.
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you!
1. I love my ND300… I don’t need anything else sudah… Just me & my ND300 sudah cukup bahagia. Cewah!
2. I hate snake in the grass.
3. I fall in love by looking in the eyes of a person. Kuang kuang kuang!
4. I broke my left arm while hanging on a big big big wire with my cousin Novie (I was just 4 years old that time).
5. I sprained my ankle back in Tanjung Aru in 1985. Sampai sekarang I have problem with my ankle kalau jalan jauh.
6. Danced in school hall during School Prefect’s Day with a bunch of other school prefects – Punyalah bikin malu lagu Backstreet Boys lagi tu!
7. Love watching anime but recently have problem with my own schedule – Terlampau padat!
8. I gave the most stupid answer to my BM teacher for the synonym of ‘Mungkin’ is ‘Barangkali’. Desperate mo kena suruh duduk di bangku tapi kena kasi naik lagi di meja. Hahah!
9. I started to learn graphics editing when I was 15 years old – Uncle Jenus taught me how to use it.
10. I love coins more than duit karatas tapi sekarang terbalik sudah.
11. I replied in English to my grandma when she was asking me in Dusun! I was just 4 years old back then!
12. I love sleeping at my grandparent’s house even though my house is just a few walk aways. Rumah papan is still the best bah.
13. I don’t eat red meat… White meat… Green meat… Yellow meat… Wahahah! I don’t eat meat…
14. I gave answers to my friend when I was in Primary 3. Dia tanya pasal macam mana mo eja CHRISTMAS and I gave the answer during exam! Sekali dapat result, dia dapat markah tinggi in English. Sia di balakang dia kalah 1%.
15. I accidentally downloaded a Hentai anime!
16. I’m single, unmarried, unengaged… But not looking at the moment… Muahahaha! I’ve an eyes on someone already… Apa lagi, tu si ND300 sia lah and satu lagi mana dia DIESELAR. Tanyalah sia, sia bagitau jawapan…
17. I am currently working on banyak banyak banyak banyak kerja. I love keeping myself busy… At least I can complain lagi.. Wahahhahah!
18. I am planning to learn more on music.. Bakal sambung lagi ni balajar benda lain.
19. I am in love with 4WD. Blame Juji for that!
20. I love Japanese, Korean & Taiwanese movies & music!
21. I want to get a permanent job!
22. I love making friends and exchange opinions – ANYONE as long as you can catch up with my topics.
23. I am the only one in my family who is a VEGETARIAN.
24. I am in the middle of struggling with preparing my thesis untuk next year – Got the title already, tinggal mo kasi plan and buat rujukan saja!
I’m tagging ANYONE who’ve crossed into my blog.

Sunday 15 February 2009

Apa Itu Cinta?

Adakah tapak tangan kita berpeluh, hati kita berdebar kencang dan suara kita tersekat di dada?
Itu bukan Cinta, itu SUKA.
Adakah kita tidak dapat melepaskan pandangan mata darinya?
Itu bukan Cinta, itu NAFSU.
Adakah kita menginginkannya kerana kita tahu ia ada di sana?
Itu bukan Cinta, itu KESEPIAN.
Adakah kita mencintainya kerana itulah yang diinginkan semua orang?
Itu bukan Cinta, itu KESETIAAN
Adakah kita tetap mengatakan kita menyintainya kerana kita tidak ingin melukai hatinya?
Itu bukan Cinta, itu BELAS KASIHAN.
Adakah kita menjadi miliknya kerana pandangan matanya membuat hati kita melompat?
Itu bukan Cinta, itu TERGILA-GILA.
Adakah kita memaafkan kesalahannya kerana kita mengambil berat tentangnya?
Itu bukan Cinta, itu PERSAHABATAN.
Adakah kita mengatakan padanya bahawa setiap hari hanya dia yang kita fikirkan?
Itu bukan Cinta, itu DUSTA.
Adakah kita rela memberikan semua perkara yang kita senangi untuk kepentingan dirinya?
Itu bukan Cinta, itu KEMURAHAN HATI.
Adakah kita tetap bertahan kerana campuran antara sakit dan gembira yang membutakan dan tak terfahami… menarik kita mendekati dan tetap bersamanya?
Apakah kita menerima kesalahannya kerana itu bahagian dirinya dan siapa dirinya?
Jika demikian, ITULAH CINTA.
Adakah kita tertarik dengan orang lain tapi setia dengannya tanpa penyesalan?
Jika demikian, ITULAH CINTA.
Adakah kita menangis kerana kesakitannya walaupun saat itu dia kuat?
Adakah hati kita sakit dan hancur ketika dia bersedih?
Adakah hati kita gembira ketika dia berbahagia?
Adakah matanya melihat hati kita dan menyentuh jiwa kita begitu mendalam sehingga menusuk?
Yang demikian itulah namanya CINTA.


The Snot Tutorial

Looks like most of you are looking forward to try picking your nose and taste the *mucus*, right? Hey, I’m kidding! Anyway, today’s post will be on how to pick your nose and well… eat it… Maybe some of you would like to tell si DOKTOR tu very disgusting! Hahahahaha~ Makan tahi hidung amat-amat membawa kesihatan kepada tubuh badan anda! Read my previous post… I mean the extracted newspaper. Ewwwwww….

Saturday 14 February 2009

Sabah Hari Ini: Selipar “Minta Cuti” (MC)

BLOG SIA HARI INI: Harga selipar kini menjunam dan melonjak dan melompat naik berikutan dengan satu kejadian dan keluaran di mana salah seorang daripada MC KENTE digossipkan memakai SELIPAR semasa berada di atas Pen-Tas pada 7 Februari yang lalu. Apabila beliau diminta mengulas tentang gossip tersebut, dengan simple dan machonya beliau menjawab si wartawan (sia lah bah tu), “Ko mau makan selipar? Sia kasi makan ko selipar yang putus suda. Wohohhohoo!” Sejurus selepas mendengar komen daripada MC hensem dan macho ini, para MC yang lain terus menukar avatar Yahoo Messenger (YM) mereka kepada avatar Selipar (Baru tadi diorang tukar sudah). Mereka dijangkakan akan mula memakai selipar  esok. Para pemakai selipar juga dinasihatkan agar meletakkan kindadu pada selipar mereka apabila tidak dipakai dan digunakan oleh kaki kerana diwar-warkan ada pencuri selipar yang sedang merayau-rayau mencari selipar yang belum putus untuk direcycle kembali.

KENTE’09 Family Photos

I’ve been with KaDus Entertainment (KE) since 2006. I was studying in UiTM Sarawak that time when KaDus told me about his brilliant idea – Biasa siorang on the phoned when I was bored with my FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING (I wonder why did I take the subject that I never got A’s!). Frankly speaking, memang I went jaw-dropped when he said he wanted me to be part of it – Part of KE (I always had low self-esteem back then. So, orang pertama yang break itu chains tu si KaDus lah – I should say thanks to him). I thought maybe it’s a good idea lah helping him sebab I love helping others especially when it comes to something that I really wanted to do. Anyway, I never expected that KE goes until this stage (especially with the help and involvement from others who are more experienced). Satu saja yang sia masih takut sampai sekarang, tu si KaDus bilang dia mo ketuk kepala sia if sia berubah jadi someone yang bukan diri sia. Sia rasa begini juga sia ni sampai sekarang… Tiada berubah… Sebab sia inda mo kena KETUK kepala! Sakit bah tu!

Posing 1: Belum Ready… Apa inda… Balik-balik bilang “1, 2, 3…” then tukar posing… “1, 2, 3…” tukar posing… I thought dorang main-main saja. Rupa-rupanya serious sakan! Paling syok tinguk tu muka MR. BANGAI SUMPITAN MAUT – Macam jeles tinguk si MR. BANGAI DJ MARK*TUT*. Oh ya! Inda lupa si MR.BANGAI TOM TOM BAK – Macam dia ada mo cakap sama tu jurukamera.

Posing 2: Posing paling glamour di sini adalah MR. BANGAI GOGDS. Mahal tu posing, gogds! Si MR. BANGAI DJ MARK*TUT* pula macam cuba menyebarkan sesuatu… *Kada kotogod*

Posing 3: Inilah posing paling maut semaut-mautnya… Masing-masing ada gaya sendiri… Tapi, sia masih inda puas hati sama itu “1, 2, 3… Tukar posing… 1, 2, 3… Tukar posing…”. Kalah-kalah tu army dalam perbarisan… Muahahahahaha!