Monday 16 February 2009

25 Random Things

Si Ann laini punya pasal. She tagged me di sana Facebook.
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you!
1. I love my ND300… I don’t need anything else sudah… Just me & my ND300 sudah cukup bahagia. Cewah!
2. I hate snake in the grass.
3. I fall in love by looking in the eyes of a person. Kuang kuang kuang!
4. I broke my left arm while hanging on a big big big wire with my cousin Novie (I was just 4 years old that time).
5. I sprained my ankle back in Tanjung Aru in 1985. Sampai sekarang I have problem with my ankle kalau jalan jauh.
6. Danced in school hall during School Prefect’s Day with a bunch of other school prefects – Punyalah bikin malu lagu Backstreet Boys lagi tu!
7. Love watching anime but recently have problem with my own schedule – Terlampau padat!
8. I gave the most stupid answer to my BM teacher for the synonym of ‘Mungkin’ is ‘Barangkali’. Desperate mo kena suruh duduk di bangku tapi kena kasi naik lagi di meja. Hahah!
9. I started to learn graphics editing when I was 15 years old – Uncle Jenus taught me how to use it.
10. I love coins more than duit karatas tapi sekarang terbalik sudah.
11. I replied in English to my grandma when she was asking me in Dusun! I was just 4 years old back then!
12. I love sleeping at my grandparent’s house even though my house is just a few walk aways. Rumah papan is still the best bah.
13. I don’t eat red meat… White meat… Green meat… Yellow meat… Wahahah! I don’t eat meat…
14. I gave answers to my friend when I was in Primary 3. Dia tanya pasal macam mana mo eja CHRISTMAS and I gave the answer during exam! Sekali dapat result, dia dapat markah tinggi in English. Sia di balakang dia kalah 1%.
15. I accidentally downloaded a Hentai anime!
16. I’m single, unmarried, unengaged… But not looking at the moment… Muahahaha! I’ve an eyes on someone already… Apa lagi, tu si ND300 sia lah and satu lagi mana dia DIESELAR. Tanyalah sia, sia bagitau jawapan…
17. I am currently working on banyak banyak banyak banyak kerja. I love keeping myself busy… At least I can complain lagi.. Wahahhahah!
18. I am planning to learn more on music.. Bakal sambung lagi ni balajar benda lain.
19. I am in love with 4WD. Blame Juji for that!
20. I love Japanese, Korean & Taiwanese movies & music!
21. I want to get a permanent job!
22. I love making friends and exchange opinions – ANYONE as long as you can catch up with my topics.
23. I am the only one in my family who is a VEGETARIAN.
24. I am in the middle of struggling with preparing my thesis untuk next year – Got the title already, tinggal mo kasi plan and buat rujukan saja!
I’m tagging ANYONE who’ve crossed into my blog.

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