Wednesday, 14 January 2009

My Chosen Guys

Introducing… My chosen guys from now onward… Cewah! That’s the most craziest, stupidest,… what else ahh… anythinglah… Ummm… I mean… I shouldn’t blog about tanakwagu lagi… Wahahahaha~ Macamlah sebelum ini sia cerita-cerita pasal tanakwagu… Dei… Sia bukan gudang… and I don’t save spare parts! Jaga badan sendiri pun susah, apa lagi mo jaga urang lain. Buat assignments pun susah, apa lagi mo jaga hati urang lain. Kada kotogod kio… Saja menyatakan apa sia rasa butul gia… Pek! Soalan untuk korang: MANUSIA BULIH JADI GUDANG KAH? (Sepa rasa mo jawab, go on jawab saja di comment box). Terima kacey… :P

An old friend of mine suddenly rang me a call… Di rumah lagi tu… So, I thought sepa juga lah yang kol-kol time tengah hari… I was thinking (well… even made assumptions that someone mau bagi sia kerja which I think of I’m not ready yet to accept any jobs except on graphic design…). Hahahaha~ Anyway, I’ve just finished with KENTE’s design… Entah apa cakap big boss sebab belum lagi dia check tu email dia. So, I passed to tommkurus@Callixtus saja tu designs… Bukan 1 tu designs tapi banyak… Yang penting ada and biar diorang comment and I can make pembetulan (if any). Sambung cerita… Since my friend yang tanya soalan bonus also single (wei… janlah ingat itu HE ah… dia adalah SHE), and dia tanyalah soalan bonus… I guess that’s the same old funny question… Sia rasa bukan dia saturang saja yang tanya sia ini bulan tapi ada some people yang tanya sudah termasuk kawan sia di UiTM dulu (sia faham juga kalau korang inda percaya yang bf sia sekarang pun itu ND300 and buku-buku). What do I look from a guy? Terfikir pula aku wor~. Hahahahah~ It’s not that I’m tooooooooooo desperate of wanting someone in my life… Actually, bukan mo boasting lah kan… I’m happy to have this life sebab I still have my family besides me… Macam uncles, aunties, and grands2 tu… Inda lupa tu kawan-kawan yang ramai ni… Sia rasa THANK YOU sebab jadi kawan sia (aku inda kisahlah ko siapa sebab bagi sia selagi ko manusia macam sia, selagi itu sia mo ko jadi kawan sia)… If sia butul-butul desperate sudah, sia suruh saja diorang yang cari untuk sia. Wahahaha… I think itu last sudah resort yang paling sot sot… Relax lah, Geng! Kalau ko inda kanal sia saja, ko akan rasa sia ni macam minta puji. Try to approach me lah personally (bukan yang wired atau wireless punya), and you will be SURPRISED (You can ask orang-orang yang sudah pernah JUMPA sia personally – Bukan yang sekadar tinguk dari JAUH SANA (paling inda syoklah tu nampak sia tapi inda pun pigi say HI, tapi sekali dalam YM baru dia bilang “Sia ada jumpa ko di Karamunsing tadi”… Sadis sia ooo kalau gitu. Unless ko ada alasan munasabah macam time tu ko tengah makan and then sia limpas, sia terima itu jawapan lah… Takkanlah turus mo bubut kan, silap2 kena bubut oleh taukeh kadai sebab belum bayar! Wahahahah!)… Muahahaha~ Trylah jumpa sia time-time ada event saja sebab sia ni inda mo keluar dari kepompong balakang PC sia if bukan sebab event… Paling bagus… Jumpalah sia time ada camping or di church or time ada event with KE (kalau lah sia inda sibuk)… Atau if you’re lucky enough dan satu kelas sama sia… Berceritalah sama sia… I’m happy to get to make friends as many as possible regardless of age, gender, status, etc… As long as you’re not ALIEN FROM MARS… *Ong Ong Ong* (making weird sound macam itu dalam Movie punya Alien)

Anyway, I’m not going to answer what I REALLY REALLY REALLY want from a guy sebab it’s something very very very personal… Tapi kalau ikut yang ‘physical’ lah kan… I mean the yang luaran kan, sia rasa itu sia bulih jawab sikit-sikit… Inda bulih banyak-banyak… Manatau ko penjenayah yang dikehendaki pulis… Men-men saja ahh… Kada kotogod… I need someone who LOOKS like…

1. HIM – My Father who is currently residing in Heaven… Well, He’s currently busy up there so I don’t want to kacau Him…
2. Nishikado Ryo – Started to fall in love with him after watching ’1 litre of tears’… Nasiblah sia inda nangis sampai panuh 1 baladi…
3. Hengky Kurniawan – Kalau korang pernah tinguk tu ‘Akibat Banyak Gaul’ di Aruna… Korang taulah tu… Wahahahahah~
4. Keanu Reeves – Aaaaahhhh!!!!!! Dia lagi… Muahahahahah! Clean face… Inda mo tu jambang…
So… If anyone of you bilang I have TASTE yang AMAT-AMAT-AMAT TINGGI… Heheheheh~ Bagus baca balik ayat sia… Inda salah bah kan kalau sekadar bilang minat someone yang ada rupa gitu kan kan kan? Correct me if apa sia cakap ini silap… Minta ampun… Heheheheh~ One thing in common pasal ni urang-urang yang sia pilih… Itu MATA… MATA yang lawa… Ada tu kan urang bilang dari MATA turun ke HATI… I can argue no further if bilang itu urang tua-tua bilang… Heheheheh~ Butul atau inda? Ada kaitu dari MULUT turun ke HATI? XD Lain sudah gia tu meaning dia tu… Yang lain itu… Korang kena cari sendiri lah kio…

Sekian sahaja laporan saya dari blog sendiri yang inda ada domain name sudah… Sekain (ko inda silap nampak ni) dan Tirima Kasih… Hehehehe~

p.s. you may call me as SOT (gila or crazy) but the truth is – I’m too EXCITED after getting my result! Thank you sama urang-urang yang pray for me including the Pastors. Last year was a very challenging year and I’m looking forward for another challenging years ahead! NO FEAR! JUST BREAK IT! (Macam pernah dingar? Well… Sia mimang minat tu benda since aeons ago). Anyway, thanks for reading my blog yang gomburuk… JACKSON, I’ll send you the sheet music nanti. Kasi remind sia sebab sia ni PELUPA ni sekarang. Heheheheh~
END OF REPORT (butul2 sudah end ni)

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Bah, KENTE turus bah!

Sila download, cetak, lengkapkan dan kembalikan kepada penganjur berserta yuran penyertaan sebanyak RM50 dan 2 keping gambar berukuran 3R atau 4R.

Borang Penyertaan KE Next Top Entertainer


Saturday, 10 January 2009

Yosua 1:7-9

Just some of the Bible verses from Pr. Wizzie Lontuni… Thank you kio, Pastor…

Yosua 1:7 Hanya, hendaklah engkau sungguh-sungguh yakin dan berani. Engkau harus menjaga agar engkau mentaati seluruh hukum yang diberikan Musa hamba-Ku itu kepadamu, jangan kaulalaikan sedikit pun, maka kau akan berhasil.
Yosua 1:8 Buku hukum itu harus selalu kaubacakan kepada umat-Ku. Pelajarilah buku itu siang dan malam, supaya selalu kau melaksanakan semua yang tertulis di dalamnya. Kalau kau melakukan semuanya itu, hidupmu akan makmur dan berhasil.
Yosua 1:9 Ingat, Aku sudah memerintahkan kepadamu supaya engkau sungguh-sungguh yakin dan berani! Janganlah engkau takut atau kurang bersemangat, sebab Aku TUHAN Allahmu mendampingi engkau ke mana saja engkau pergi.”

Friday, 9 January 2009

Pencarian Bakat ‘KE Next Top Entertainer’

From: “Callixtus Tamin”
Date: January 7, 2009 9:28:07 AM GMT+08:00
To: ME
Subject: Pencarian Bakat ‘KE Next Top Entertainer’
Reply-To: “Callixtus Tamin”

Kepada anda yang berbakat menyanyi dan menghibur, serta berumur antara 17 dan 35 tahun pada 1 Januari 2009, Kadus Entertainment akan menganjurkan pertandingan ‘KE Next Top Entertainer’ di mana hadiah-hadiah lumayan menanti anda!
Tarikh tutup penyertaan adalah pada 30 Januari 2009. Borang penyertaan boleh didapati dari Pusakag Cafe Donggongon, Ace Club Bukit Padang dan Chempaka Square Penampang, Ligo Music Centre di CKS Donggongon, Centre Point dan Inanam atau dari website Kadus Entertainment di
Maklumat lanjut serta peraturan mengenai pertandingan ‘KE Next Top Entertainer’ boleh didapati dari website Kadus Entertainment di atau dengan menghubungi individu-individu berikut:
① MARK (0168021500)
②  JASONJAY (0168461914)
④ GOGDS (0195305512)


Thursday, 8 January 2009

He is God

He Is God
He is the First and Last,
The Beginning and the End!
He is the keeper of Creation and the Creator of all!
He is the Architect of the universe and the Manager of all times.
He always was, He always is, and He always will be …
Unmoved, Unchanged, Undefeated, and never Undone!
He was bruised and brought healing!
He was pierced and eased pain!
He was persecuted and brought freedom!
He was dead and brought life!
He is risen and brings power!
He reigns and brings Peace!
The world can’t understand him,
The armies can’t defeat Him,
The schools can’t explain Him, and The leaders can’t ignore Him.
Herod couldn’t kill Him, The Pharisees couldn’t confuse Him, and The people couldn’t hold Him!
Nero couldn’t crush Him, Hitler couldn’t silence Him,
The New Age can’t replace Him, and “Oprah” can’t explain Him away!
He is light, love, longevity, and Lord.
He is Goodness, Kindness, Gentleness, and God.
He is Holy, Righteous, mighty, powerful, and pure.
His ways are right,
His word is eternal,
His will is unchanging, and His mind is on me.
He is my Savior,
He is my guide, and He is my peace!
He is my Joy,
He is my comfort,
He is my Lord, and He rules my life!
I serve Him because His bond is love,
His burden is light, and His goal for me is abundant life.
I follow Him because He is the wisdom of the wise,
the power of the powerful,
the ancient of days, the ruler of rulers, the leader of leaders, the overseer of the overcomers, and is to come. And if that seems impressive to you, try this for size.
His goal is a relationship with ME!
He will never leave me,
never forsake me,
never mislead me,
never forget me,
never overlook me and
never cancel my appointment in His appointment book!
When I fall, He lifts me up!
When I fail, He forgives!
When I am weak, He is strong!
When I am lost, He is the way!
When I am afraid, He is my courage!
When I stumble, He steadies me!
When I am hurt, He heals me!
When I am broken, He mends me!
When I am blind, He leads me!
When I am hungry, He feeds me!
When I face trials, He is with me!
When I face persecution, He shields me!
When I face problems, He comforts me!
When I face loss, He provides for me!
When I face Death, He carries me Home!
He is everything for everybody everywhere, every time, and every way.
He is God, He is faithful. I am His, and He is mine!
My Father in heaven can whip the father of this world.
So, if you’re wondering why I feel so secure, understand this…
He said it and that settles it.
God is in control, I am on His side,
and that means all is well with my soul.
Everyday is a blessing for GOD Is!

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Hot Girlz – So Hot

Dorang inda puas hati sama yang kena buat lawak… Maka dengan itu, sia kasi post balik yang sudah kena edit opening dan closing dia dan termasuk itu lagu kena kasi enhance sikit. Hantam sajalah sebab sia belum lagi install apa-apa dalam ini iMac sia (my another bf yang sia sayang separuh mati selain kawaii & nd300). Anyway, enjoy ni clip… Kalau mo katawa, dipersilakan sebab sia sendiri inda dapat tahan ketawa tinguk ni kerja budak-budak sekarang. Ada lagi lepas ni diorang bilang. So, sia ini hanya menurut perintah saja.. Hahhahah~ Happy viewing!

David Phelps – No More Night

No More Night
Words & music by Walt Harrah
The timeless theme, Earth and Heaven will pass away.
It’s not a dream, God will make all things new that day.
Gone is the curse from which I stumbled and fell.
Evil is banished to eternal hell.
No more night. No more pain.
No more tears. Never crying again.
And praises to the great “I AM.”
We will live in the light of the risen Lamb.
See all around, now the nations bow down to sing.
The only sound is the praises to Christ, our King.
Slowly the names from the book are read.
I know the King, so there’s no need to dread.
No more night. No more pain.
No more tears. Never crying again.
And praises to the great “I AM.”
We will live in the light of the risen Lamb.
See over there, there’s a mansion, oh, that’s prepared just for me,
Where I will live with my savior eternally.
No more night. No more pain.
No more tears. Never crying again.
And praises to the great “I AM.”
We will live in the light of the risen Lamb.
All praises to the great “I AM.”
We’re gonna live in the light of the risen Lamb.

p.s. Got the SATB sheet music from a net buddy already… The rest is going to be my next story… Hahahahahahahah~ Just expect the unexpected thing from me… Huahuahua! (Cakap inda separuh bikin ni… Hahahahahaha~ I will let you do all the assumptions…)