Saturday, 14 February 2009

KENTE’09 Family Photos

I’ve been with KaDus Entertainment (KE) since 2006. I was studying in UiTM Sarawak that time when KaDus told me about his brilliant idea – Biasa siorang on the phoned when I was bored with my FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING (I wonder why did I take the subject that I never got A’s!). Frankly speaking, memang I went jaw-dropped when he said he wanted me to be part of it – Part of KE (I always had low self-esteem back then. So, orang pertama yang break itu chains tu si KaDus lah – I should say thanks to him). I thought maybe it’s a good idea lah helping him sebab I love helping others especially when it comes to something that I really wanted to do. Anyway, I never expected that KE goes until this stage (especially with the help and involvement from others who are more experienced). Satu saja yang sia masih takut sampai sekarang, tu si KaDus bilang dia mo ketuk kepala sia if sia berubah jadi someone yang bukan diri sia. Sia rasa begini juga sia ni sampai sekarang… Tiada berubah… Sebab sia inda mo kena KETUK kepala! Sakit bah tu!

Posing 1: Belum Ready… Apa inda… Balik-balik bilang “1, 2, 3…” then tukar posing… “1, 2, 3…” tukar posing… I thought dorang main-main saja. Rupa-rupanya serious sakan! Paling syok tinguk tu muka MR. BANGAI SUMPITAN MAUT – Macam jeles tinguk si MR. BANGAI DJ MARK*TUT*. Oh ya! Inda lupa si MR.BANGAI TOM TOM BAK – Macam dia ada mo cakap sama tu jurukamera.

Posing 2: Posing paling glamour di sini adalah MR. BANGAI GOGDS. Mahal tu posing, gogds! Si MR. BANGAI DJ MARK*TUT* pula macam cuba menyebarkan sesuatu… *Kada kotogod*

Posing 3: Inilah posing paling maut semaut-mautnya… Masing-masing ada gaya sendiri… Tapi, sia masih inda puas hati sama itu “1, 2, 3… Tukar posing… 1, 2, 3… Tukar posing…”. Kalah-kalah tu army dalam perbarisan… Muahahahahaha!

Friday, 13 February 2009

Rushed of My Feet

1 day more to go and I have to finish up the case study… Dayve, you can do it! Of course I get everything done by tomorrow… With the power of magic from the deep forest of ummm… *sot* Guess what, how I wish to have someone beside me right now… Ya, tolong sia kasi siap tu assignment. Apa ko ingat mo minta tulung suap sia? Muahahha! I can always suap you tapi jangan kasi suap sia. Muahahahah! Anyway, I’m off to bed now… Tomorrow never die… Masih ada 24 hours lagi…

p.s. Me? Celebrate Valentine’s Day? I’ve got nobody except my family dis… OK apa… I still have lots of friends to hang out just in case I’m so forlorn… Muahahah! Aiyah, last year pun inda ada celebrate Valentine’s Day bah. Relax saja bah selagi ada kawan-kawan… Paling-paling chatting or SMS lah tu… Kikikikiki~ OK… Full stop… I really need a good night sleep as my body is getting enervated. I’m outta here… See ya bisuk bisuk di sana pisuk pisuk…

Roma 5:1 – 6

Pr Wizzie sent out another Bible verses… Encouraging juga… Usually he always hantar yang mimang encouraging punya… Thanks, Pastor… :)
Rom 5:1 Sekarang kita sudah berbaik kembali dengan Allah, karena kita percaya. Dan oleh sebab itu kita hidup dalam kedamaian dengan Allah melalui Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus.
Rom 5:2 Oleh sebab kita percaya kepada Yesus, maka Ia memungkinkan kita menghayati kasih Allah, dan dengan kasih itulah kita hidup sekarang. Karena itu kita bersuka hati karena kita mempunyai harapan bahwa kita akan merasakan kebahagiaan yang diberikan Allah!
Rom 5:3 Dan lebih dari itu, kita pun gembira di dalam penderitaan, sebab kita tahu bahwa penderitaan membuat orang menjadi tekun,
Rom 5:4 dan ketekunan akan membuat orang tahan uji; inilah yang menimbulkan pengharapan.
Rom 5:5 Harapan yang seperti ini tidak akan mengecewakan kita, sebab hati kita sudah diisi oleh Allah dengan kasih-Nya. Allah melakukan itu dengan perantaraan Roh-Nya, yang sudah diberikan kepada kita.
Rom 5:6 Ketika kita dalam keadaan tidak berdaya, Kristus mati untuk kita pada waktu yang tepat yang ditentukan oleh Allah; padahal kita orang-orang yang jauh dari Allah.

Thursday, 12 February 2009

Bloggers Are Hookers?


So… Logik lah kan… Sepa yang blog ni sekarang ni are HOOKERS… Buahahahaha! Wei, I blog apa sia suka mah… Nothing to do with babbling itu stodgy political topics… Tapi, sia rasa FUNNY lah bah pula addressing tu bloggers as pelacur. No further comments… Jeles kali urang yang ada masa mo tulis blog… Muahahahah~ It’s a trend, baby… It’s a trend… Nobody wants to be left behind… We’re in the mid of racing… VROOM VROOM… Eh, BREAK BREAKBRAKE BRAKE (si mark terperasan!)… Kaki sia tertinggal!!!
p.s. ketinggalan zaman sikit kalau bilang berita pasal politik… stodgy topic bah tu!

Photo of The Day: Sasha


This is a photo of Natasha Jalius Benggon (some of you might know her as she’s quite famous on the Internet… Umm.. I mean, Youtube sebab I uploaded the video bah dia menari with her other kajens). With the height of 5’7″ at the age of 15, I guess she’s cukup tinggi sudah. She’s one of my fave picks untuk dijadikan bahan untuk make-up… Coincidently, she loves make-up… I’m the one who’s going to spoil her with all those makeups – Inilah kakak diorang yang paling teruk di dunia! Hahahahah~ Anyway, love this snap so much sebab I even did the makeup… Asked her to do the posing (which I really mau lah kunun)… Ambil gambar… The rest tu, dia yang buat… I mean her expression – Perfect! I’ve promised sama dia tu yang if she passed her PMR with flying colours and inda ada yang dia gagal, I’ll buy her makeup kit turus… Sia mau bagi dia itu SASA sebab dia juga bilang balik-balik itu nama SASA macam nama dia. Hahahhahah~ I’ll pray for her success, anyway… (^_^)V More photos bukan on Sasha saja
p.s. sorry for no updates… Been busy with KENTE and then sekarang mau kasi siap kerja for Corporate Strategy, design t-cet for big boss punya request, main coding-coding sikijap, and mo buat quizzes for church’s youth this Sabbath. They have been good these past few weeks sebab I’ve promised sama diorang yang they will always have visitation IF they behave, attend AY choir’s practices every Saturday’s evening… And (rules yang semua tu AY setuju)… They MUSTtake the BIBLE QUIZZES if they really wanted to join the trip melawat to other SDA churches – I guess that’s enough to answer this question “Apa ada sana perjumpaan AY?”. I don’t appeal to thing like “I WANT TO JOIN THE TRIP BUT I DON’T WANT TO JOIN THE ACTIVITIES”. Life must have at least 1 aim/goal so kita dapat enjoy what we’re doing dan rewarded with SATISFACTION – Aku apply dari theory kunun (minta maaf Abraham Maslow.. Hahahahahaha!). Anway, I won’t reveal our next destination sebab biarlah menjadi satu rahsia because I know there’s someone out there among the youths yang mo tau apa sia tulis sebab nanti dia bulih kasi bucur sama geng-geng yang lain. Ya, kadapatan ko di sana… Hahahahaha~

Sunday, 8 February 2009

6 Random Things About Me

Link to the person who tagged you
Post the rules on your blog
Write six random things about yourself
Tag six people to your post and link to them
Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a
comment on their blog
Let the tagger know when your entry is up

I WAS TAGGED BY KIULUMAN (Sampai hati ko!)
So here we go;
1. I’m single and available.. Hahahaha! (This is the most interesting part sebab urang inda percaya)
2. I love my Kawaii, Rush, Mac & ND300.
3. I love to travel and take photos.
4. I love to learn something new and interesting… I do want to challenge my own limits.
5. I’m not good at listening others’ problems because I also have my own unresolved problems. So, if you ask for my advices, I might give you something that way beyond your expectations.
6. I wish to have my own house in 5 years time – It can be an apartment, condominium, or single storey.
7. I have *tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut tuttttttttttttttttt tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut*someone who is *tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut* than me. (Sepa suruh minta 6 saja)
So, Who are the next 6 people I’m gonna give this lovely tag?
1. Mamaii @ Zoe
2. Mark @ KaDus
3. Olumis
4. Pammie
5. Daphne W
6. Bobby
p.s. Jangan korang inda mo jawab these simple questions… Nanti ada yang kena tag lagi dalam FB. Muahahahah!

0′ ‘ajKENT POLO’s Encouraging Message

There maybe days when you get up in the morning and things aren’t the way you had hoped they would be.
That’s when you have to tell yourself that things will get better.
There are times when people disappoint you and let you down.
But those are the times when you must remind yourself to trust your own judgments and opinion to keep your life focused on believing in yourself.
There will be challenges to face and changes to make in your life, and it’s up to you to accept them.
Constantly keep yourself headed in the right direction for you. It may not be easy at times but in those times of struggle you will find a stronger sense of who you are.
So when the days come that are filled with frustration and unexpected responsibilities, remember to believe in yourself, in God and all you want your life to be.
Because the challenges and changes will only help you to find the goals that you know are meant to come true for you.
Keep believing in God and in yourself.
p.s. Thanks, 0′ ‘ajKENT POLO for such a beautiful and encouraging friendster comment. :)