Thursday, 8 January 2009

He is God

He Is God
He is the First and Last,
The Beginning and the End!
He is the keeper of Creation and the Creator of all!
He is the Architect of the universe and the Manager of all times.
He always was, He always is, and He always will be …
Unmoved, Unchanged, Undefeated, and never Undone!
He was bruised and brought healing!
He was pierced and eased pain!
He was persecuted and brought freedom!
He was dead and brought life!
He is risen and brings power!
He reigns and brings Peace!
The world can’t understand him,
The armies can’t defeat Him,
The schools can’t explain Him, and The leaders can’t ignore Him.
Herod couldn’t kill Him, The Pharisees couldn’t confuse Him, and The people couldn’t hold Him!
Nero couldn’t crush Him, Hitler couldn’t silence Him,
The New Age can’t replace Him, and “Oprah” can’t explain Him away!
He is light, love, longevity, and Lord.
He is Goodness, Kindness, Gentleness, and God.
He is Holy, Righteous, mighty, powerful, and pure.
His ways are right,
His word is eternal,
His will is unchanging, and His mind is on me.
He is my Savior,
He is my guide, and He is my peace!
He is my Joy,
He is my comfort,
He is my Lord, and He rules my life!
I serve Him because His bond is love,
His burden is light, and His goal for me is abundant life.
I follow Him because He is the wisdom of the wise,
the power of the powerful,
the ancient of days, the ruler of rulers, the leader of leaders, the overseer of the overcomers, and is to come. And if that seems impressive to you, try this for size.
His goal is a relationship with ME!
He will never leave me,
never forsake me,
never mislead me,
never forget me,
never overlook me and
never cancel my appointment in His appointment book!
When I fall, He lifts me up!
When I fail, He forgives!
When I am weak, He is strong!
When I am lost, He is the way!
When I am afraid, He is my courage!
When I stumble, He steadies me!
When I am hurt, He heals me!
When I am broken, He mends me!
When I am blind, He leads me!
When I am hungry, He feeds me!
When I face trials, He is with me!
When I face persecution, He shields me!
When I face problems, He comforts me!
When I face loss, He provides for me!
When I face Death, He carries me Home!
He is everything for everybody everywhere, every time, and every way.
He is God, He is faithful. I am His, and He is mine!
My Father in heaven can whip the father of this world.
So, if you’re wondering why I feel so secure, understand this…
He said it and that settles it.
God is in control, I am on His side,
and that means all is well with my soul.
Everyday is a blessing for GOD Is!

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Hot Girlz – So Hot

Dorang inda puas hati sama yang kena buat lawak… Maka dengan itu, sia kasi post balik yang sudah kena edit opening dan closing dia dan termasuk itu lagu kena kasi enhance sikit. Hantam sajalah sebab sia belum lagi install apa-apa dalam ini iMac sia (my another bf yang sia sayang separuh mati selain kawaii & nd300). Anyway, enjoy ni clip… Kalau mo katawa, dipersilakan sebab sia sendiri inda dapat tahan ketawa tinguk ni kerja budak-budak sekarang. Ada lagi lepas ni diorang bilang. So, sia ini hanya menurut perintah saja.. Hahhahah~ Happy viewing!

David Phelps – No More Night

No More Night
Words & music by Walt Harrah
The timeless theme, Earth and Heaven will pass away.
It’s not a dream, God will make all things new that day.
Gone is the curse from which I stumbled and fell.
Evil is banished to eternal hell.
No more night. No more pain.
No more tears. Never crying again.
And praises to the great “I AM.”
We will live in the light of the risen Lamb.
See all around, now the nations bow down to sing.
The only sound is the praises to Christ, our King.
Slowly the names from the book are read.
I know the King, so there’s no need to dread.
No more night. No more pain.
No more tears. Never crying again.
And praises to the great “I AM.”
We will live in the light of the risen Lamb.
See over there, there’s a mansion, oh, that’s prepared just for me,
Where I will live with my savior eternally.
No more night. No more pain.
No more tears. Never crying again.
And praises to the great “I AM.”
We will live in the light of the risen Lamb.
All praises to the great “I AM.”
We’re gonna live in the light of the risen Lamb.

p.s. Got the SATB sheet music from a net buddy already… The rest is going to be my next story… Hahahahahahahah~ Just expect the unexpected thing from me… Huahuahua! (Cakap inda separuh bikin ni… Hahahahahaha~ I will let you do all the assumptions…)

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Trust Me

Trust Me (Crystal Lewis)
Close your eyes
take a step
it’s ok
I know where we’re going
Don’t fret
I’ve been before
through these valleys
down these long and dangerous roads
yet dark as they seem
Trust me
though you can’t see
you can trust me
the way may be steep
you can trust me
let me lead… Trust me
Open your eyes
but don’t let go of my hand
let your tears give way to smiles
see the joy inside the trial
Don’t worry you’re
safe with me around
rest assured I’m on your side
I won’t let you hit the ground
but close as it seems..

It’s true that
what’s in front of you
isn’t always clear
but you must believe
it in your heart
that I’m here – I’m here!

Trust Me (This is Love) (Amanda Marshall)
I look at this mountain
So many heartaches wide
And I can’t help but wonder
Where’s the other side
I’ve got to be honest
I’ve got my doubts
These tears are asking me
What’s this got to do with love?
Baby, I’ll tell you something
To help us through this long, dark night
When this trouble passes over
You and I will walk away
Knowing that our love survived
Another test of faith
You and I can walk on water
The river rises, we rise above
It may not look that way right now
But trust me, baby…this is love
Love isn’t easy
I’m torn, I confess
When a heart is uncertain
It’s bound to second guess
This love won’t forsake us
So dry your tears I promise you
When this trouble passes over
You and I will walk away
Knowing that our love survived
Another test of faith
You and I can walk on water
The river rises, we rise above
It may not look that way right now
But trust me, baby…this is love
I’m here for you baby
There’s nothing I want more
Our day is coming
And we’ll reach that peaceful shore
When this trouble passes over
You and I will walk away
Knowing that our love survived
Another test of faith
You and I can walk on water
The river rises, we rise above
It may not look that way right now
But trust me, baby…this is love
One more mountain
Hey…so what
Trust me baby…this…is love
p.s. Been chatting with my xbf recently about a topic on ‘trust me’… OKAY, sia inda mo invite controversy or gossip sebab we have our own paths sudah… Frankly speaking, we remain as friend because sebelum ini pun siorang anggap diri sendiri as friends… Full Stop…. Tiada guna mo bermusuhan… Double Full Stop…

Monday, 5 January 2009

Paderewski’s Minuet in G, Op. 14, No.1

I’m in love with Paderewski’s Minuet in G, Op. 14, No 1 and I’m going to practice this *subtle* piece… At least, I don’t have to slam the piano like a shot! I mean like Chopin or Liszt. I’d go for more melancholic (kununlah) or something which is more relaxed… Gila eh! Jiwang karat sudah ni… Muahahahaha!

Saturday, 3 January 2009

Sia Punya Kisah 2008 (Part 1)

Sia punya kisah 2008 inda banyak… Tapi kalau sia kasi hurai dalam perkataan, mimang banyak lah… Heheheheheh~

January 2008 – Dapat masuk UMS untuk ambil Master in Business Administration. Was hoping that sia terjumpa kawan-kawan lama sekali tinguk butul-butul sia terjumpa kawan-kawan lama. Everything seemed macam OK sajalah kunun. Azam sia kunun mo lupakan semua kisah silam yang melukakan dan menyedihkan. Maka, sia guna pakai balik azam sia tahun-tahun dulu – Happy Happy Joy Joy… Maksudnya, apa saja yang sakit atau pedih sia rasa (painfulness), sia simpan dalam hati saja dan kasi tapuk with senyuman. Apa macam sakit kana tabak pisau di hati atau sakit bila urang yang dipercayai turus kasi bucur rahsia sampai hampir semua urang tau pun, sia senyum saja. Sebab macam dulu sia pigang prinsip – Otak tiada controller, Mulut tiada Zip… We cannot control others’ mind and we surely cannot shut or even stop them from talking whatever they wished for. Sampai juga bah apa tu urang cakap pigi telinga sia tapi sia buat bodoh macam inda pernah masuk skulah saja sebab once sia bersuara mimang habis keluar laser, silap-silap turus tu urang inda mo tinguk sia lagi sampai-sampai… Atau paling teruk, sia pula yang diumpat di balakang kalau sia start bersuara laser.. In short, don’t simply judge me if you don’t know me PERSONALLY because I can reveal my true self when necessary or in dire situation… Anyway, sia punya azam 2008 was to remain single for a year! Sot kan?

February 2008 – No Valentine’s Day… I spent all my days working on my group assignments… Tu hal KE pun sia inda paduli sudah…

March 2008 – 1st camping with the church youth… Sebelum ini sia camping ikut sekolah… Well, ada sia dingar urang bilang sia ni TIDAK PERNAH camping. Thank you for reminding me about that but the person who was talking this sh** mimang inda kenal sia sebab I was an active camper back then cuma I wasn’t interested with ini Church punya camping sebab sia suka hang out with my school friends. Plus, sia ada lebih banyak responsibilities di sekolah back then… So, kalau bukan atas sebab Pr. Heary insisted me to bring the youths pigi tu camping, manalah sia paduli tu youths sebab sia masih anggap inda syok camping di Dantai. But, it turned out to be really enjoyable walaupun mimang hitam legam lah… Terbakar bah! Maksudnya, I love camping tapi dalam diam-diam… Bukan sia inda pernah pigi camping and janlah bilang sia ni indatau satu hal pun pasal camping.

April 2008 – April’s Fool… Sia inda kena ahh… Sia kasi kena urang saja… Muahahahahaha~ Time ini sia paling sibuk sebab sia ada banyak assignments. Lagipun, final exam kunun inda lama lagi. Time ini juga start sudah banyak halangan dan rintangan… Sia ingat tu semua sebab inilah time sia banyak kali menangis dan minta advice dari urang lain… Sia butul-butul stressed out sebab life is a bunch of thorns and thistles. Bukan sinang… Bukang sinang… Mo hidup dan jalani kehidupan yang kita harap mimang bukan sinang… Sia hampir-hampir jatuh tersungkur dan inda terasa yang God masih ada…

May 2008 – Kaamatan! Sia kena bagi tugas ambil gambar di KDCA along with Mark@KaDus, Pirut, Gogds, etc. Tapi sia inda dapat datang sebab sia pigi Adventurer punya camping. Tulung-tulung tu aunties saja bah. Plus, ada kawan bawa sia mo pigi sana yang mana sia inda berapa interested mo pigi. Sia baru habis final exam kan… So, mimang ada panat-panat lah. Ada banyak hal yang terjadi tapi lebih bagus sia inda kasi mention di sini sebab bagi sia semua sudah berlalu. Moral of the story – Kada momoudut nung kiwaro nodi koupusan… Not good for health… Hahahahaha…

June 2008 – Sia cuti dan sia indatau apa sia buat… Dalam rumah saja… Plus, ada kelas driving kunun… Ada lah tu a few SMSes from the same guy yang jiwang karat tapi sia buat-buat inda layan… I’m a real DEVIL for sure. Target sia tatap dalam genggaman… Mana mo kasi lapas ooo… Single for 1 year… Lagipun banyak masalah melanda… Inda ada masa mo fikir benda-benda lain… Perasaan sendiri pun sia malas mo layan apatah lagi diri sendiri.

Kita sambung lagi selepas ini… Ko rasa panas? Ko terlupa pasang air-cond laitu… Kakkakakk~ Sia main-main saja ahh… Kada kotogod…

Friday, 2 January 2009