Tuesday 5 October 2004

Utada Hikaru's Exodus'04

Title: Exodus '04
Artist: Utada (Hikaru)
Album: Exodus

With you these streets are heaven
Now home feels so foreign
They told me I was mistaken; infatuated
And I was afraid to trust my hunches
Now I am ready

Daddy don't be mad that I'm leaving
Please let me worry about me
Mama don't you worry about me
This is my story

Through mountains high and valleys low
The ocean through the desert snow
We'll say goodbye to the friend we know
This is our exodus '04

Through traffic jams in Tokyo
New music on the radio
We'll say goodbye to the world we know
This is our exodus '04

Landscapes keep changing
His story teaches something
I know I could be mistaken but my heart has spoken
I cannot redirect my feelings
The waves have parted

Daddy don't be mad that I'm leaving
Please let me worry about me
Mama don't you worry about me
This is my story

Through mountains high and valleys low
The ocean through the desert snow
We'll say goodbye to the friend we know
This is our exodus '04

Through traffic jams in Tokyo
New music on the radio
We'll say goodbye to the world we know
This is our exodus '04

I'm listening to a music never-ending
My baby don't you know I'll never let you down
You've opened me to so many different endings
But baby I know that you'll always be around

Through mountains high and valleys low
The ocean through the desert snow
We'll say goodbye to the friend we know
This is our exodus '04

Through traffic jams in Tokyo
New music on the radio
We'll say goodbye to the world we know
This is our exodus '04

Through mountains high and valleys low
The ocean through the desert snow
We'll say goodbye to the friend we know
This is our exodus '04

Through traffic jams in Tokyo
New music on the radio
We'll say goodbye to the world we know
This is our exodus '04

Siap download mp3 EXODUS by UTADA HIKARU, her first single in English! Yeah! Yeah! Now I'm waiting for posisang's email yang bulum sampai-sampai lagi dari semalam lagi. Dui gia...

Monday 4 October 2004

My (late) dodu (great-grandma) old Dusun Story (Tangon)

This is my (late) Odu's old story (tangon) which I've recorded earlier from RTM Dusun Radio. Her tangon was recorded somewhere in 1965. I miss her very much!

This is my UGLY voice! The song that I was trying to sing was UTADA HIKARU's First Love... Dui dogo! Bulih hujan lebat ooo...

Sunday 3 October 2004

Where is God?

There were two boys that were always into trouble and any time somthing went wrong people asumed they did it. Their parents went to a preacher who was successful in straitining out kids he said ok. I'll help you send in the youngest kid tommorow and the older one the next day the young kid went in and the man asked him: Where is god? The boy didn't answer so the man said alittle louder WHERE IS GOD? The kid didn't answer so the man yelled WHERE IS GOD? The kid got really scared so he ran all the way home and locked himself in his closet. His brother heard the door slam so he said: Hey whats wrong let me in! So the younger one let him in and said: Were in big trouble now, God is missing and they think we have him.

Thursday 30 September 2004

Tips: Halang Email Anda Dari Spammer!

Ini satu cara untuk korang mo halang email korang yang korang letak di webpage korang daripada dicuri oleh robot-robot spammers yang mo kasi banjir email ko dengan email yang inda ada guna-guna. Banyak tu... Sia pun mo paning kepala nampak tu semua. Bikin marah saja...

Bahagian 1: Masukkan ni kod dalam <HEAD> korang.

<script type="text/javascript">
function mailto(domain,user) 
document.location.href = "mailto:" + user + "@" + domain;

Bahagian 2: Masukkan ni kod dalam <BODY> ko. Taruhlah di mana-mana saja, yang penting masih dalam <BODY></BODY>. Jan lupa ubah example.com pigi hotmail.com kah, etc. dan daniel pigi username untuk email ko.

<a href="javascript:mailto('example.com','daniel')">daniel 'at' example.com</a>

Selamat Berjaya Kie!

Wednesday 29 September 2004


I hate this when my web browser crashes again! It has been few times and all I have to is to download a new browser (again) and install it. Damn! Bikin marah butul! Now, I'm currently downloading Maxthon 1.1.035. Fuh! Nasib baik the connection speed is fast, even though it's a dial-up. 

By the way, I have my web with new layout and some minor changes. Not much... Just *a pinch of salt* Cewah! The theme ahh? Black lor! LOL... The banner up there dibikin by me using Photoshop. The girl up there is me... 

How to make a dotted/dashed table? Here's the code for you to get a dotted/dashed table...  Just put this code style="border-style:dashed" bordercolor="white" into your desired table HTML. You can change the dashed into dotted, etc. as long as the code can be recognized by the system lah.

<td width="179" height="12" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="#333333" style="border-style:dashed" bordercolor="white">
:: I've made one! ::

I've got to end now, my new browser is ready to be installed by me! Ta Ta! Meet me in Sumandak.Com then! 

Tuesday 28 September 2004

Tips & Tricks

Wanna have your own cursor on your website? But the code will only work with Internet Explorer 6.0 and above. 

Steps to follow:

Upload the desired cursor into your web, your cursor must end with a .cur or .ani file extension.

Copy this code and paste it into your style type="text/css" which can be found in your HEAD. Do not paste it into your BODY:

body, a 
{cursor: url(http://www.url.com/cursor.cur);}

Replace youraddress.com/cursor.cur with the url of your cursor.

Good luck then!

Thursday 9 September 2004

Always look on the bright side of life!

Some things in life are bad 
They can really make you mad 
Other things just make you swear 
and curse 
When you're chewing on 
life's gristle 
Don't grumble, give a whistle 
And this'll help things turn out for the best... 

...always lood on the bright side 
of life... 

Always look on the light side 
of life... 

If life seems jolly rotten 
There's something you've forgotten 
And that's to laugh and smile and 
dance and sing 
When you're feeling in the dumps 
Don't be silly chumps 
Just purse your lips and whistle 
- that's the thing. 
And...always look on the bright 
side of life... 

Come on. 

Always look on the bright side 
of life... 

For life is quite absurd 
And death's the final word 
You must always face the curtain 
with a bow 
Forget about your sin - give the 
audience a grin 
Enjoy it - it's your last chance 
So always look on the bright side 
of death 
Just before you draw your 
terminal breath 
Life's a piece of sh|t 
When you look at it 
Life's a laugh and death's a joke 
it's true 
You'll see it's all a show 
Keep 'em laughing as you go 
Just remember that the last laugh 
is on you 
And always look on the bright side 
of life... 

Always look on the right side 
of life... 

Come on guys, cheer up. 

Always look on the bright side 
of life... 

Always look on the bright side 
of life... 

Worse things happen at sea you know. 

Always look on the bright side 
of life... 

I mean - what have you got to lose? 
You know, you come from nothing 
- you're going back to nothing. 
What have you lost? Nothing. 

Always look on the right side 
of life...