Thursday 22 January 2009

Demanding for Updates on Ji’s Rocky!

I wonder apa macam sudah sama ini kereta kawan sia… HE HASN’T UPDATE SAMA SIA PASAL INI BABY DIA! Eeeeee… He’s way toooooo busy lah tu with his newly modified baby and maybe his ITIK Productions. I should blame him sebab gara-gara dialah yang selalu cerita pasal 4WD sama sia sampai sia pun rasa macam this thing is interesting (Sia rasa dia indatau tu yang sia minat benda yang sia rasa interesting and baru)! Kalau sia kasitau dia pun kan, mesti jawapan dia begini… “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!” Ya, katawa saja dia tau tu… Gara-gara dia jugalah yang sampai sia jump to NIKON. I was with CANON before this walaupun my other friends like GOGDS (Ya, ko pernah kasi taya-taya sia tu kamera NIKON ko) selalu totoro sia with their NIKON. Is ‘He’ my boyfriend? Jadi, sebelum urang menanya soalan bonus via my YM or SMS or FB or FS… Sia awal-awal jawab lah kio… Satu kali saja sia tulis… HE IS NOT MY BOYFRIEND. Pull Stop (bukan full stop). Wahhahaah~ My current boyfriend is Nikon D300… You know what does it mean if I’m with a gadget kan? Muahahaha! The guy who owns the rocky-rugger baby is actually a friend of mine yang sia jumpa during camping. He’s a nice guy when it comes to CERITA… Cerita apa? Cerita pasal KERETA, BUSINESS, DUIT, THAILAND, FRIENDS, dan KAMERA. Dari mula-mula kenal dia mesti topik dia itu KERETA especially tu 4×4… Mula-mula mimang BORING dingar tapi lama-lama macam INTERESTING especially when dia start kasi tinguk the process itu kereta dia kena modified. My only interest is on LEXUS, yang lain sia buang pigi tandas (kunun). But now… Dia kasi tinggal sia without ANY UPDATES pada BABY ROCKY dia! Inda apa… Nanti sia tagih dari dia juga tu… I know he’s way too busy right now… Urang tua bilang inda bagus kacau urang time sibuk-sibuk… Inda ada adat… Heheheheh~

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